Welcome to InterPlay!

InterPlay is an active, creative way to unlock the wisdom of the body.

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“Untensive” Retreats & Workshops

What is an "Untensive"?

May 6-Dec 2
Christine Gautreaux, MSW and Phil Porter
Online, ONLINE
Oct 18-20
Kate Amoss and Ginny Going
Germantown, MD
Oct 25-27
Billy Amoss and Douglass Farnum
Germantown, MD
Nov 3
Linds West Roberts, Christine Gautreaux, MSW, Lorena Gaibor, and Lydia Ferrante-Roseberry
Lafayette, CO
Nov 7-10
Masankho Banda, Jennifer Denning, MSW, and Carolyn Renée
Atlanta, GA
Nov 14-17
Bernhard Staudt
near Frankfurt,
Dec 8
Christine Gautreaux, MSW and Linds West Roberts
Denver, CO
Dec 31-Jan 1
Phil Porter and Cynthia Winton-Henry
Nov 26
Agnotti Cowie, Jennifer Denning, MSW, Clarissa Worcester, Christine Gautreaux, MSW, Karen Hatch, Katie Hymans, CC King, Lisa Ward, and Leroy Petunia

Featured Events at InterPlayce


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Jun 13-Nov 14
Trish Watts
Trish Watts 2024, ONLINE
Oct 25-27
Billy Amoss and Douglass Farnum
Germantown, MD
Dec 31-Jan 1
Phil Porter and Cynthia Winton-Henry
Feb 1
Sharie Bowman, Lucia Young, and Liz Bradford
Seattle, WA, ONLINE
May 25
Cassandra Sagan
Online, ONLINE
Sep 12
Carolyn Renée and Masankho Banda



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Administrative Offices & InterPlay Center

2273 Telegraph Avenue
Oakland, CA 94612


Regional InterPlay Websites

New InterPlay video!

Who does InterPlay and why?

What is an “Untensive” Retreat?

relax, connect, play, learn, create

a circle of handsAt an “Untensive” retreat, you get to relax, connect, play, laugh, be moved and you get to learn helpful ideas and tools that can create more ease, fullness, purpose and satisfaction in your life.

New to InterPlay? An Untensive is a great place to get an overview of InterPlay practices and ideas. Experienced InterPlayers are also welcome. At any particular Untensive there will be an interesting mix of people with different levels of experience. Everyone will be included and everyone will have opportunities to be gently challenged.

At an Untensive, you will learn several of the InterPlay “forms,”—simple and incremental ways of playing around with words, movement, sound and stillness. As you play, you will find out more about yourself and others. Wonderful community connections develop that often are maintained after the Untensive is over.

InterPlay gently unlocks the wisdom of your body.

  • What do you know?
  • How can you get more of what you want?
  • What gives you satisfaction?
  • What creates ease?
  • What about your life do you want to change?

Untensives (usually three or four days long) are held frequently across the country and in other parts of the world. They are led by the most experienced InterPlay leaders, including InterPlay co-founders Cynthia Winton-Henry and Phil Porter. Sometimes they are residential events at a retreat center or hotel.

Find out more about “Untensive” Retreats

Welcome to the New InterPlay Website!

We have just launched the newly-designed InterPlay website.

These pop-up windows are only one of the new features on the the site. Search around and see what shows up if you click in the right place! (Hint: look for these red and yellow boxes and some of the red links.)

We hope you will enjoy the new look and new features. The site was rebuilt pretty much from the ground up, including most of the structural programming. You will find most of the information that was on the old site, reorganized a bit. We hope you will find your way around the site easily.

We assume there will be some glitches early on, so bear with us. Also watch for new content and features as the site settles into place.

Visit us often!

Special thanks to Phil Porter, co-founder of InterPlay and the primary designer for this site, Minnesota InterPlayer and web-expert Rosemary Senjem, and programmers John Coleman and AJ Michels.

Regional InterPlay Websites

A sample of the InterPlay Australia websiteThis site lists events in many different regions in the world. Some regions also have their own websites.