What is InterPlay?
InterPlay is an active, creative way to unlock the wisdom of the body.
InterPlay is easy, fun, and life changing. It is based in a series of incremental “forms” that lead participants to movement and stories, silence and song, ease and amusement. In the process, we discover the wisdom in ourselves and our communities.
InterPlay integrates body, mind, heart and spirit. Life has become so fragmented. InterPlay helps to pull everything back together so we get more of what we want.
InterPlay is devoted to fun. It teaches the language and ethic of play in a deep and powerful way. If you are convinced that seriousness is the path to inner wisdom, then you might want to look elsewhere. If you would like to become a “recovering serious person,” then TYPICALInterPlay might be for you.
InterPlay is firmly based in affirmation and looking for the good. You don’t have to think of yourself as creative in order to do InterPlay. We can teach you that part easily. We get far too much criticism in our lives already. We need to spend more time in the warm bath of acceptance.
InterPlay is the perfect antidote to stress and cynicism.
InterPlay is a community of people around the world who speak the shared language of a wide and deep variety of play. It is a body of bodies who enjoy contact and connection. You don't have to dive in the deep end of InterPlay to learn and benefit from it, but it does exist and some wonderful folks are “swimming” there.
InterPlay has been developed by Cynthia Winton-Henry and Phil Porter starting in 1989 and it has spread around the world.
Resources for the Press
Some background materials about InterPlay.
InterPlay Co-founders Biographies of InterPlay Co-founders Cynthia Winton-Henry & Phil Porter
InterPlay in the News Online and print articles that have appeared about InterPlay.
Q & A: InterPlay Facts Basic information about InterPlay for those not familiar with the practice.