Listen in with your bodyspirit

Dancing Spiritual Direction

Betsey Beckman

Seattle, WA

once a month By Appointment

Have you ever longed for a companion on your spiritual journey? A spiritual director offers on-going support for listening to the movement of Spirit within you. What better tools to use for listening than InterPlay?

Betsey Beckman has a Masters in Ministry and a Certificate in Movement Therapy from the Institute for Transformational Movement, where she spent six years on teaching staff.

Betsey has developed a Spiritual Direction practice which incorporates tools from Movement Therapy, Dance Prayer and InterPlay to support you in exploring and deepening your own journey with Spirit.

Cost: Sliding Scale - $60 - $75



Hatha Yoga Center

4550 11th Ave. NE
Seattle, WA 98105
The Hatha Yoga Center is a little blue building on the corner of 11th Ave. N. and 47th Ave. (It's very cute and used to be a church!) Enter the parking lot from 47th and use the machines - $1.00 per hour. (Or come in and purchase a token for 50 cents per hour.)
Betsey Beckman
Betsey Beckman, MM travels internationally and brings the tools of InterPlay wherever she goes - as dancer, storyteller, and spiritual director, as well as retreat, workshop and pilgrimage leader. With her extensive background in performance, movement therapy, ministry and InterPlay, she has often been featured as artist/presenter at national conventions as well as local churches. Betsey’s storydance series of DVDs feature riveting performances and include participatory InterPlay workshops to break open the scriptural stories with embodiment. She's become a fabulous video editor with four collections of dance prayer DVDs available through her collaboration with Abbey of the Arts. Betsey's co-authored book, Awakening the Creative Spirit: Bringing the Arts to Spiritual Direction, offers numerous InterPlay exercises for integrating into soul-care ministries. She has been leading SpiritPlay classes in the Seattle community for the past 20 plus years, and has been a member of the local InterPlay Sounding Board for most of those years as well. Betsey offers the gift of playful improvisation whenever possible!

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