Weaving narratives, empowering voices in collective play!

we.Pod Play for the Soul

Circle of Connection & Stories: Play-a-thon 2025
Carolyn Renée


February 21 & 28: 3:00 pm EST | 12:00 pm (noon) PT

Seeding the change we want to see in the world

Why we.Pod? Because the "i" mentality is insufficient for these times; we require a collective "we." we.Pod represents the fertile ground where seeds of goodness can flourish.The arts, particularly through InterPlay, act as this fertile soil, while the seeds of potential lie within each person.

As a teaching and healing artist who has overcome many challenges in life, it was the arts that helped me navigate through difficulties. Now, through InterPlay, an art-based system I'm here to support and uplift others.

Steps to Register

  1. Pay in advance online using PayPal or a credit card to complete your registration and secure your spot!
  2. RSVP by sending an email to confirm your participation.

Cost: 1 Class $15 | 10 Classes $135 | Sliding scale

Registration/Information: carolynrenee1@gmail.com


Online Classes

Carolyn Renée
Carolyn Renée Morris (she/her), since 1995, spanning three decades, "Carolyn Renée" has been a pivotal cultural organizer. She blends her roles of teaching artist, activist, and healer into collaborations for social change. She was raised in a community of matriarchal healers, including priestesses, seers, and herbalists and learned from these interactions how to help others. Carolyn Renée seamlessly integrates these influences into her InterPlay practice and daily life. She draws inspiration and transformative tools from *Jegnas and applies her own expertise in art and social change gained from years of firsthand experiences and professional development aimed specifically at dismantling racism. Her extensive work includes 15+ years of teaching girls to write and perform their stories through Playmaking for Girls, a community program of Synchronicity Performance Group and her own we.Pod initiative. In 2022, she co-led the InterPlay Life Practice for Spiritual Leaders. She’s a devoted Nichiren Buddhist for 38 years. Carolyn Renée is currently part of the fifth cohort of Tami Simon's Sounds True Inner MBA program, learning from esteemed spiritual teachers how to integrate her wealth of experiences and to grow into the best version of herself.

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InterPlay Regional Websites

This site lists events in many different regions in the world. Some regions also have their own websites.