With the amazing Ginny Giong and Kate Amos!

Performing Hope: An InterPlay Weekend

Unleash Your Creativity in Tucson
Pamela Altaffer, Kate Amoss, Ginny Going, and Lucia Young

Tucson, AZ

Workshop: Friday-Sunday, March 28-30, 2025 Performance: March 30 @ 2pm. All are invited.

Join us for a transformative weekend. Dive into InterPlay forms of dance, story and vocal play as you expand your range and fullness of expression. Engage with our theme of Performing Hope in this time when keeping hope alive is vitally important for ourselves, our communities, our world. Ginny and Kate will offer incremental steps to open up your creative expression with ease and grace. No prior experience needed, just a spirit of willingness.

Cost: $350 total ($100 Deposit by March 12th)

Registration/Information: Email Lucy Young or Send Deposit to Register with Friends & Family(no fee): paypal.me/LucyYoung545 lucylight11@gmail.com


Unity of Tucson

3617 N. Camino Blanco
Tucson, AZ 85718
Pamela Altaffer
Kate Amoss
Kate Amoss, MA, LCPC, is an InterPlay Teacher and Professional Counselor in private practice. Trained in archetypal depth psychology, she has an abiding curiosity in all things hidden below surfaces -- deep roots, bedrock truths, neuro-biological processes, and ancestral antecedents. For her, InterPlay has offered the best toolbox of forms and practices with which to excavate the mysteries of ourselves and our world. She has decades of experience leading workshops, performances, and mentoring other InterPlayers. She co-founded The Big Yes Performance Group and co-led the InterPlay Life Practice Program in Washington DC.
Ginny Going
As a recovering serious person, I consider InterPlay my 12-step program and my life practice for having more ease and grace. I've been InterPlaying for 27 years and have watched the blooming and spread of InterPlay all over the world with gratefulness and delight.

For the past 13 years I've been immersed in the development and growth of the Leader Training Program and currently serve as the program coordinator. I love offering people the "big body" tools of InterPlay for telling their stories, especially people on the margins of our communities. I am also passionate about embodied spirituality, engaging people in prayer and worship forms that include and honor the body. It has been an amazing experience to participate in and teach InterPlay in many places around the world.

Currently the Leader Training Program is being reshaped to integrate Racial Equity and Transformation into all aspects of InterPlay leader training. This is truly an exciting and exhilerating time to be part of the world-wide community of InterPlay!
Lucia Young
Lucia Young has been a Hatha Yoga teacher for over 20 years, as well as taught aerobics and Kundalini Yoga. Originally from Texas, now living in Arizona. Her journey began with ballet and other dance classes and now she is really loving sharing the joy and wonder of improvised movement. She became a non-denominational minister, focused on counseling for Heart & Living Wisdom in 2006.

Her career was as a C.P.A. where everything was prescribed and pretty serious. Lucy is very pleased to have found Interplay to help with spontaneity, light-heartedness and improvisation. She volunteers at her son’s school and she does Expressive Arts including SoulCollage and acrylic visionary painting.

Lucy has studied NLP, Energy Psychology and many more modalities due to her far-ranging curiosity for all things deep and transformational. Interplay is like the cohesion that brings many things together for her to explore deep play, connection and creativity. Ever since she discovered Interplay in early 2018, she has been exploring it widely and enthusiastically to learn as much as she can from this exquisite system. She has found meaningful connections and more grace and ease.

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