Weaving narratives, empowering voices in collective play!

Be-ing Here

Circle of Connection & Stories: Play-a-thon 2025
Ruth Garwood, Eef Kolkman, and Donna Mazzola


February 18: 7:00 PM - 8:15 PM EST | 4:00 PM - 5:15 PM PST

The body knows that stillness is a potent place.

Goodness flows from the pause in the here and now.

Join us as we mess around with Be-ing and Do-ing.

February 18

7:00 PM - 8:15 PM EST | 4:00 PM - 5:15 PM PST

Log on at 6:45 PM EST | 3:45 PM PST

Steps to Register

  1. Pay in advance online using PayPal or a credit card to complete your registration and secure your spot!
  2. RSVP by sending an email to confirm your participation.

Cost: 1 Class $15 | 10 Classes $135 | Sliding scale

Registration/Information: ruthegarwood@gmail.com


Online Classes

Ruth Garwood
Ruth Garwood embraces both the wisdom and the mischief in InterPlay, applying them in her improvisations in preaching, antiracism work, and activism. InterPlay has brought her deep gratitude for stillness, storytelling and movement. Her superpower is being with.
Eef Kolkman
Originally from the Netherlands, Eef Kolkman spent most of her working life in education and social work. Interplay gives her the opportunity to have meaningful, playful interactions with others and to build community together. Her superpower is her indomitable spirit.
Donna Mazzola
Donna Mazzola is a InterPlay leader and Natural Dreamwork practitioner. She integrates the tools of InterPlay to help breathe life into dreams. Donna also weaves the Body Wisdom of InterPlay with creative expression through movement, poetry, collage, smearing paint, and the 12 initiations of Art of Ensoulment. Donna is an Art of Ensoulment Coach. Her superpower is her attennae that attune her to others.

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