Soul Friends: a Book Play Group

Sundays, 2/23, 3/2, 3/16, 3/30, 4/13, 4/27, 5/4; 1:30-3pm (Eastern)
Dive into the mystery and wisdom of John O'Donohue's "Anam Cara." Through embodied practices, we will take our time and play deeply with the luminous and pithy words and thoughts presented in this timeless book from one of Ireland's inspired poets and philosophers. Together, we will explore our reflections on this book and how it relates to our lives.
Allow yourself to be inspired and graced with the Celtic wisdom that comes to life on these pages. Invite your friends to join in this exploration of what Anam Cara feels like within your own being. Share your insights and play with the ways this book resonates with your soul.
When you register directly with me via email or text, I will forward information regarding Zoom info, recommended book edition, PayPal link, and information regarding additional play times that will have a small suggested donation. In the first gathering, we will introduce ourselves, share intentions we bring and what we hope to receive from the class; the following 6 classes will be focused on each successive chapter of the book, so that we have time to savor the themes of each chapter.
May you be blessed in the steps you walk today and in each breath you take, as part of your sacred presence in these times.