One of the most nourishing ways to spend an afternoon!

Second Saturday Leader Showcase

Connection, expression, and play guided by a rotation of Bay Area leaders
John Diller and Amos Alan Lans

Oakland, CA

Second Saturdays 1:00-3:30 p.m.

Come join us for two and a half hours of connection, expression, and play on the second Saturday of the month. Come to as many or as few as you like. Each month a different Bay Area leader will guide the group, using the forms of InterPlay and the wisdom of the body to facilitate connection to others and ourselves in the grounded, playful ways that InterPlay makes effortless. These workshops are great for any level of InterPlay experience, whether you are new to InterPlay or have been to the studio many times.

Each individual class will get its own post to show the leader and theme. Amos and John are organizing the series and our current schedule is: 4/12 Annie Goglia, 5/10 Kelsey Blackwell, 6/14 John Diller, 9/13 Kira Allen, 10/11 Wahoh Shannon Hickey, and more to come soon!

COVID Protocol: Our goal is to provide a safe and welcoming environment for people with a wide variety of health situations. We require that folks either take a same-day COVID test and test negative or wear an N95 or KN95 mask during class. If you have questions, please reach out to Amos Lans or John Diller via the links below.

Transportation and parking: Our lovely studio is in urban Oakland. If driving, we recommend parking on major streets like Grand Avenue and Telegraph Avenue (and not 23rd) and not leaving things in your vehicle. If you pay for parking with the Park Mobile app it will be easy to add more to the meter virtually. We are also close to BART, several bus lines, and protected bike paths. There is good bike parking on Telegraph, and you're also welcome to bring your bike inside the studio.

Are you a certified InterPlay leader or working on your certification who would like to lead as part of this series? Please reach out to Amos Lans or John Diller via the links below. We welcome local and visiting leaders.

Sliding Scale Payment Options
Note for Office

Cost: $35 (sliding scale $20-$60, no one turned away for lack of funds)

Registration/Information: Pay online to register or just show up. Use teacher links below for questions or call 510-465-2797 (Mon-Fri)



2273 Telegraph Avenue (at 23rd St.)
Oakland, CA 94612
InterPlayce is the center of the InterPlay universe. The offices for Body Wisdom, Inc. are also located here. The building is at the corner of 23rd and Telegraph, one block north of West Grand. It is just a few blocks from the 19th Street Downtown Oakland BART station, and on several convenient bus lines. On-street parking is always available at night and metered during the day. It is also easily accessible by several of the major freeways. Click here for a map.
John Diller
John Diller, MA in Education, is a certified InterPlay leader and has been leading InterPlay workshops and retreats for more than 10 years. He found his way to InterPlay via a winding road that includes poetry, improv, Permaculture, storytelling, the great outdoors, Buddhist philosophy, bicycling, and eight years of teaching high school theater. He has co-led the Thursday evening men’s InterPlay class in Oakland for years and works by day at a management consulting company. John thanks InterPlay for an increasingly embodied and nourishing life and for the opportunity to help others use InterPlay to have more fun, connect, dive deep, and so much more.
Amos Alan Lans
Amos Alan Lans likes to tell folks, “I became a dancer in my 50’s, thanks to InterPlay!” Amos is one of the three co-leaders of the Thursday evening men’s drop-in class. He loves introducing InterPlay to groups of men, especially gay men, especially older gay men who are learning new ways of enjoying being in their ageing bodies as well as playful ways of connecting with other guys. Letting stories emerge from movement is one of Amos’ favorite InterPlay activities. For 20+ years, Amos set up and taught in public school gardening programs. He now teaches the joys of composting, gardening, and healthy eating to at-risk urban youth in North Oakland’s Dover Street Edible Park, near his home on 61st Street.

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