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InterPlay Teaching Practicum Online - April 10-13, 2025

Sacil Armstrong, Jennifer Denning, MSW, Jori Martinez, and Carolyn Renée


The InterPlay Teaching Practicum is a core component of the InterPlay Leader Training Program. It is open to those who have enrolled in the Leader Training Program and attended a Secrets of Leading InterPlay event. Previously certified InterPlay leaders may also attend.

The Practicum is a multi-day workshop that includes practice teaching by participants with self-evaluation and feedback from leaders and other participants, information on best practices in designing and leading InterPlay events, and teaching resources, such as sample class outlines.

Note: After attending a Secrets of Leading and before attending a Teaching Practicum, participants complete 12 of the Self Study Core Elements and record their completion on the InterPlay website Leaders Circle form. Access to the Leaders Circle is provided after the Secrets of Leading InterPlay. For questions about this requirement, contact Jori Martinez, Leader Training Program Coordinator, at



  • 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM PT | 4:00 PM - 7:30 PM ET
  • Friday and Saturday

  • Morning session
  • 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM PT | Noon - 2:30 PM ET

  • Afternoon session:
  • 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM PT | 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM ET


  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM PT | Noon - 3:00 PM ET

  • Continuing Education Credit
    13 CE credits for various healthcare and allied healthcare professions are available for those practicing throughout the U.S. and for educators only practicing in Illinois. CE pre-registration is required before the start of your event. Email Jori Martinez at (not the office) to APPLY for CEUs. There is a charge of $25 per program. CEUs are offered through Continuing Education Institute of Illinois.

    Registration Steps

    (1) To register or set up a payment plan with your credit or debit card, simply click here to get started: Register now!

    (2) Once you’ve completed step 1, please email Leader Training Program Coordinator, Jori Martinez, at to let her know you have registered.

    The Teaching Practicum is included in the $1,600 tuition for the Leader Training Program. A payment of $400 toward the total tuition is due before the Practicum and a payment plan for your balance must also be in place by then. The tuition for repeating the Practicum or for previously certified leaders is $300. For financial assistance questions email Lucia at

    Cost: A payment of $400 and a payment plan for your balance

    Registration/Information: Registration/financial questions, email; Program questions, email


    Online Secrets of Leading/Teaching Practicums

    Sacil Armstrong

    For nearly thirty years, Sacil (Suh-SEEL) Armstrong has combined facts, self-care, respect, and embodied practices to guide people through tough discussions on topics like racism and oppression, so InterPlay was a natural fit. Her focus on mental/emotional wellness first helps clients get out of their heads and into their bodies so they can actively listen, accept facts they might otherwise avoid, and embrace personal change to support human rights.

    Her roles in marketing for a regional science museum, public relations and adult programming for a library system, and leading a grassroots movement to reduce violent crime in a low-income, high crime “neighborhood” of 30,000 people prepared her for her current deep community and one-on-one engagements. As an award-winning facilitator, community program creator, Certified InterPlay Leader, and InterPlay’s Racial Equity and Transformation Director, she supports clients as they learn to connect with themselves, one another, and information in ways that reshape their thinking, beliefs, and behavior.

    Sacil loves music, art, and laughter to set the mood for learning and transformation. She is a Certified Zentangle Teacher, and often combines abstract art as meditation with her social justice work.

    Sacil is the founder of the Everyday Activism Habit, a membership community designed to heal with self-care, build confidence with knowledge, and stretch your comfort zone to stand against oppression. Learning and growing in community reminds us we’re not alone.

    IG, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook: @TheRealSacil
    Jennifer Denning, MSW
    Jennifer is keenly interested in using the InterPlay forms to promote racial justice and healing and has collaborated in developing and leading the workshops “Sankofa Communities” and “Using Body Wisdom to Build Just Communities.” She directs InterPlay Atlanta's performance group, Soulprint Players. She launched InterPlay Atlanta’s programming with women in prison and has taught regularly at Trinity House and The Friendship Center. Jennifer has also worked as a professional actor and taught and directed with Synchronicity Theatre’s “Playmaking For Girls” program for over fifteen years. Her work has long centered on the intersection of creativity, spirituality and social justice. Jennifer currently works as a financial social worker, using financial education as one tool to advance economic equity. She delights in weaving deep breaths, InterPlay storytelling forms, and body awareness into her workshops. Jennifer is a former co-president of the Body Wisdom Board of Directors and a founding member of InterPlay's Racial Equity and Transformation committee.
    Jori Martinez
    In 2006, Jori Martinez-Woods found her InterPlay Community! Jori recently joined the InterPlay Staff as Leader Education Coordinator. She has shared InterPlay in educational settings and weekly body-spirit celebrations and has led playgroups ever since. She has been a Certified InterPlay Leader since 2007! She served on the National Board of Body Wisdom in the early board days, as Vice President alongside Sheila Collins and as a member of the Friendraising Committee. Jori received her Master of Education in '88 from Harvard Graduate School of Education in Teaching, Curriculum and Learning Environments. She recently moved to Oakland and currently is the Montessori Trainer & Coach for Oakland Montessori Training Institute at Urban Montessori. She has been a Montessorian for over 30 years and a Certified Montessori Guide for ages 6-12. Jori has a passion for Introducing InterPlay to educators and is committed to building and crafting this work with other inspired InterPlayers. She has lived and studied in Japan, England, Spain and has accompanied Masankho Banda to his home in Malawi. Jori has been an avid supporter of our Race Dance work and has lead many workshops on the subject. She is a Forest Therapy Guide and specialized in activities that bring us to our deepest knowing of ourselves. She loves to dance, bead and build community!!
    Carolyn Renée
    Carolyn Renée Morris (she/her), since 1995, spanning three decades, "Carolyn Renée" has been a pivotal cultural organizer. She blends her roles of teaching artist, activist, and healer into collaborations for social change. She was raised in a community of matriarchal healers, including priestesses, seers, and herbalists and learned from these interactions how to help others. Carolyn Renée seamlessly integrates these influences into her InterPlay practice and daily life. She draws inspiration and transformative tools from *Jegnas and applies her own expertise in art and social change gained from years of firsthand experiences and professional development aimed specifically at dismantling racism. Her extensive work includes 15+ years of teaching girls to write and perform their stories through Playmaking for Girls, a community program of Synchronicity Performance Group and her own we.Pod initiative. In 2022, she co-led the InterPlay Life Practice for Spiritual Leaders. She’s a devoted Nichiren Buddhist for 38 years. Carolyn Renée is currently part of the fifth cohort of Tami Simon's Sounds True Inner MBA program, learning from esteemed spiritual teachers how to integrate her wealth of experiences and to grow into the best version of herself.

    See more Teaching Practicums

    InterPlay Regional Websites

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