A playshop to honor the seasons

All Ages Playshop!

Gather the Wild and InterPlay Colorado present
Linds West Roberts, Christine Gautreaux, MSW, Lorena Gaibor, and Lydia Ferrante-Roseberry

Lafayette, CO

Sunday, Nov. 3rd, 3-4:30 PM MT

Join InterPlay Colorado & Gather the Wild for a playshop to honor the seasons. This playshop is a multi-generational offering open to all ages. Honoring the seasons with movement, dance, song, and storytelling. Connecting families and community members. All Welcome! no experience necessary.

Sunday, November 3, 3-4:30 PM MT

Nyland Community House Lafayette, CO 80026 Donation $20-$40 for caregivers You can register here: Let us know you are coming by registering here - takes you to a new window.

Cost: $20-$40 for caregivers (kids free)

Registration/Information: Register through google form in description


Nyland Cohousing

3525 Nyland Way
Lafayette, CO 80026
Linds West Roberts
Linds West (pronouns they/them/theirs) created Gather the Wild Collective as a place to collaborate in offering customized classes, workshops, and retreats for groups and individuals that combine movement, play, stillness, and creativity. This work is an offering towards collective liberation and social change that brings joy together with grief. Linds is committed to intersectional social change in support of racial, gender, and environmental justice, knowing these are deeply connected with all forms of social oppression. Linds also offers one on one consultations and accompaniment to folks seeking companionship for transitions and shared holding of life's deep questions. They bring their fourteen years as an educator, librarian, and facilitator together with their InterPlay, mindfulness, and creative practices.
Christine Gautreaux, MSW
Christine (she/her) is dedicated to the pursuit of play, joy, art & social justice. Christine’s superpowers include connecting people, helping folks manifest their dreams, standing up against injustice and using art to make a difference in the world.

She currently uses performance art, movement, poetry, storytelling and InterPlay to address issues of oppression with women who are incarcerated, people living with severe and persistent mental illness and homelessness. She also works with activists and artists to maintain balance and self-care during these intense times we find ourselves living.

Pivoting with the times Christine has been called an expert on Zoom and utilizes this online platform to facilitate connection and ease in an online, interactive learning environment.

Christine Gautreaux holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Social Work. She has professional experience with successful grant writing, community organizing and social media marketing. Christine is a life coach for caregivers who are burnt out and ready to take back their own life and make it delightful again. She is the co-author of Stillpoint: A Caregivers Playbook to find ease and to take a deep breath and reclaim joy and Women Connected in Wisdom: Stories and Resources Rooted in the 8 Dimensions of Wellnes V. I and V. II
Lorena Gaibor
Lorena Gaibor was first introduced to Interplay during the early days of the pandemic in 2020 while being coached by Kaira Jewel Lingo. She was quickly enamored by the potential that the sneaky deep play offered for her healing journey and enrolled in the first BIPOC Life Practice Program. Since then she has continued her learning journey in Interplay most recently having completed the Secrets of Leading program. She is now overjoyed to be collaborating in the newly formed Colorado Regional Group of Interplayers. Together this group is bringing Interplay workshops to the Front Range. Lorena is also a recovering social worker and academic having taught MSW students for 7 years at the University of Denver. Lorena has been a longtime activist and advocate, dedicated to working with marginalized communities centered on topics of social, ecological, racial, and immigrant rights. Lorena is currently on a sabbatical centered on unlearning and re-membering as she sheds a lifetime of harmful dominant social norms internalized as a Latina/woman of color. In her healing journey, alongside Interplay, she also studies and practices Interrelational Focusing and other Somatic therapeutic practices that are helping her to reconnect to her embodied joyful experience. In addition to being a recovering academic, she has also embraced a post-activist inquiry into fugitivity, learning from visionary teachers such as Bayo Akomolafe and by participating in sensemaking processes with other alternative educators in a global alliance called Ecoversities. She’s also finishing up a two year Mindfulness Meditation Teacher’s Certification Program run by Tara Brach and Jack Kornfeld. She has begun to bring all that she has been unlearning and re-membering from this sabbatical period into her new role as a facilitator and witnesser of people’s healing/ re-membering processes.
Lydia Ferrante-Roseberry
Lydia is a Unitarian Universalist minister, who was introduced to Interplay in 1996 through a course taught by Cynthia Winton-Henry at Pacific School of Religion. She's a recovering serious person, who uses the tools of Interplay to expand her playfulness and keep connected to her body wisdom. She is currently part of the Interplay CO Regional Team.

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