Play with your fullness in performance!

InterPlay Performance Workshop and Evening Performance

Perform the Art of InterPlay
Terry McCarthy

Raleigh, NC

Saturday March 23 ,10am-830pm

Calling all InterPlay performers and ready-to-be performers for a day of performance forms and expanding our range! We will be telling stories, moving, and using our voices in person during the day. In evening we will present an InterPlay performance for the community, family and friends. **Advance registration required by March 9. The group is limited to 15 participants. Contact Terry at for registration details.

Cost: $60.00

Registration/Information: Terry Mccarthy 919/265-4107


Pullen Baptist Church

1801 Hillsborough St.
Raleigh, NC 27603
Terry McCarthy
Terry McCarthy is a musician, teacher, performing artist with 20 years’ experience teaching InterPlay. He is a founding member of Off the Deep End Ensemble and former director of Inner Voices vocal ensemble. He and his wife Laurece West led InterPlay performance troupe Impromptu Players. Laurece and Terry write and perform their original songs together. Terry is a former elementary school teacher with a BS degree in Arts for Children with Music Emphasis. He teaches InterPlay playgroups, performance, storytelling and writing classes. Terry has served as a bodyspirit mentor with the Raleigh InterPlay Life Practice Program for over 6 years.

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