Friday Morning Community Play

Come nourish body and soul!
Sharie Bowman, Stephen Condit, Marla Durden, Deborah Flynn, Joy Fry, Krista Gemmell Harris, Kawika Harold Costa, and Francine Walls

Seattle, WA

In person 1st and 3rd Fridays 10:15-11:45 am

Discover the wisdom of your body using stories, songs, movement, and stillness. Reinvigorate, reimagine, reclaim your body, mind, spirit, and heart. Create, play and rest with us!

Friday Morning Class Payment Options

Cost: $20 or pay what you can (First Class Free!)

Registration/Information: Sharie Bowman at


Phinney Neighborhood Center - Room 31

6532 Phinney Ave N.
Seattle, WA 98103
6532 Phinney Ave. N. ( Room 31 - Brick Bldg.) Seattle, WA 98103 Phinney Neighborhood Center has two buildings, one is a blue wood building on Phinney Ave. and the other is a Red Brick building on N. 67th St. (east of Phinney Ave. N.) Room 31 is in the Red Brick Building. Enter the parking lot from N. 67th. Choose either door, go up to the 3rd floor and look for Rm. 31.
Sharie Bowman

Sharie Bowman, MA, LMHC is a Mental Health Counselor and also InterPlay's Regional Coordinator for the Pacific Northwest.  In 2006, Sharie completed her training as an InterPlay leader and also received her degree in mental health counseling, so InterPlay and counseling have been woven together in her bodyspirit from the start.  She finds InterPlay to be foundational in building and maintaining her personal resilience, as well supporting her work with clients.  In her private practice she regularly weaves InterPlay’s life-enhancing forms and philosophies with counseling wisdom to help individuals and families thrive.

Prior to 2006, Sharie worked as a high school math teacher and found InterPlay to be the best Teacher Training she ever received.  The improvisational skills that she developed immediately brought more play, creativity, and expression to her teaching as well as to classroom management.

Now Sharie finds great joy in bringing her organizational and instructional skills to the InterPlay classroom, and she often leads the foundational InterPlay Life Practice Program and mentors new leaders. She relishes sharing the joy of InterPlay far and wide, and supporting each participant in integrating InterPlay into their own lives!

Stephen Condit
After decades in higher education and technology, Steve rediscovered life-below-the-neck through movement and the embodied voice practices of Gabrielle Roth's 5Rhythms® and Chloe Goodchild’s The Naked Voice. His explorations have also included taking Aikido with his son and studying embodied leadership with Richard Strozzi-Heckler. But all this was just a prelude to InterPlay. Steve says “for me, discovering InterPlay was like coming home. InterPlay combines my major life interests, movement, voice, storytelling, and stillness and has opened new, easier paths for my personal and spiritual growth, all in the context of play. It has provided balance to my intellectual and serious approach to life and restored my joy and creativity.” Steve has co-facilitated Secrets of InterPlay and the Life Practice so that others may rediscover the joy of play and learn that transformation does not have to involve struggle.
Marla Durden
Marla came to InterPlay at the end of 2016 and has never stopped playing. She immediately began performing and was certified as a leader in May 2021. Marla is an alchemist, artist, energy shaman and coach who uses her gifts to create experiences that support personal empowerment, healing and transformation.
Deborah Flynn
Joy Fry
Alive to the interconnectivity of all beings, I am humbled to play my part in the name of LOVE. YAY for INTERPLAY!! An InterPlayer since 2006, Joy Fry has been facilitating and teaching since 2011. Her practice is informed by her enjoyment of the visual arts and by her decades of work with children, both of which convinced her of the centrality of play in self-expression and self-knowledge. She particularly appreciates InterPlay's capacity to promote individual growth and community-building at the same time, deepening participants' understandings of themselves while connecting them to one another in truly meaningful ways. She looks forward to sharing new perspectives, fresh possibilities and the sheer sensory delight that InterPlay offers.
Krista Gemmell Harris
Krista loves moving and playing with people. She is a gifted teacher and master InterPlay leader who has a long history of inspiring people to find more joy, ease, and wisdom in being bodies. Krista has been leading InterPlay since 1993. She is one of the original InterPlay pioneers who helped create InterPlay communities and Life Practice Programs outside the Bay area. Krista has an M.F.A. in Dance and is certified in both Laban Movement Analysis and InterPlay. Authentic Movement, Insight Meditation and Shibashi QiGong also inform and enrich her life and work. Krista has been an advocate for both deepening the experience of stillness in InterPlay and for bringing more playfulness into her meditation communities. Along with other InterPlayers, Krista is beginning to explore how the InterPlay tools and forms can be used to support social action education and change. 2131 NW 93rd St Seattle, WA 98117 United States Email: 206/784-8030
Kawika Harold Costa
Rev. Kawika (Ka-Vee-ka) Harold Costa first joined InterPlay in 2018 and loved it. As of Feb. 2024 he became a certified InterPlay Leader. He is also a licentiate minister with the Center for Spiritual Living and the President and Co-Artistic Director of Playback Theater Northwest since 1994. He rebuilt the entire troupe in 1996. He was born and raised in Hawaii and is a graduate of the University of Washington in Business Administration. He has been involved with theater since 1975 and his acting credits include many stage plays, movies and TV extra roles for Paramount, Warner Brothers, FOX and NBC. Kawika now lives in the Sandpoint area of Seattle and is known for his warm heart and Polynesian smile. Kawika is grateful to have two incredible children, two stepchildren and four grandchildren. He loves to build community and has a deep inclusive spiritual background. Kawika has already lead InterPlay in his travels to Hawaii and Egypt (Kemet). He plans to continue to combine both InterPlay and Playback in performances and private contract shows. He is also on the InterPlay Sounding Circle in Seattle and the Winkles in Time performance group. He also hopes to work with senior centers and wherever else Spirit leads him. In May, Kawika will be leading a Sunday InterPlay group online called “Awakening The Master Within” on the first Sunday of the month at 10:30 am PST. The first session will be on Sunday, May 5th. Contact him for Zoom link details at:
Francine Walls

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