InterPlay for Survivors of Domestic Abuse
10 Tuesday nights beginning Jan 23rd, 7-9pm EST -- 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27, 3/5, 3/12, 3/19, 3/26
Playing in the dark together, what lost parts of our intuition, vitality, joy, and power are ready for us to find them?
As a survivor of intimate partner abuse, I know personally the ways domestic violence can leave deep scars on the spirit, reshaping our physical, emotional, and mental selves in ways that can linger long after we have left the relationship or household where the abuse occurred. I believe the ways we carry these wounds in/on our bodyspirits affects the ways we show up in the world, and conversely, when we tend to our wounds in community, we transform not only ourselves, but our universe. As we re-align ourselves in our power and revitalize our inner authority, we become more effective agents of change in a global web that is composting violence, transforming harm, growing love and powerfully loving possibilities for past, present, and future generations.
I am calling this group together in the wintertime (in the northern hemisphere) because I know firsthand the supportive potency of processing pain, moving energy, and dreaming new worlds in the dark. When the days are short and much of the flora and fauna of our ecosystems are dormant or hibernating, it can be easy for sensitive spirits to feel lonely, hopeless, and despairing, and to slip into isolation. Through play and connection, however, we can lean into the dark and uncover secrets of our subconsciouses. Many of us, to survive the abuse we experienced, had to cut off, shut down, or hide parts of ourselves from others, to the point we gradually forgot or lost touch with these parts ourselves. In sacred circle and with incremental invitations to awaken our bodyspirits, we can gradually explore what lost fragments of our intuition, vitality, joy, and power may be ready for us to find them.
This group is open to first-time InterPlayers and seasoned long-haulers.
Click here for full details and to sign up.