Unlock the Wisdom of Your Body

Secrets of InterPlay in Germany In-Person 2024

Change your life ~ Change your world
Bernhard Staudt and Bart Durand

near Frankfurt, Germany

January 25 - 28, 2024
7:00 pm Thursday to 1:00 pm Sunday

Instruction in English and German

Learn how you can use the tools and ideas of InterPlay to unlock the wisdom of your body.

Get your body, mind, heart, and spirit all on the same page. Learn about yourself through connection and community.

Create more ease and fun in your life.

This event will give you direct experience in many aspects of the InterPlay system.

It is also an important element of the InterPlay Life Practice Program. which may be offered later in 2024 as a follow up to this Secrets of InterPlay event.

Schedule (all times CET)
Thursday 7pm - 9:15 pm
Friday 10:00 am - 5:30 pm and 7pm - 9:15 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Sunday 9:45 am - 1:00 pm

Inquiry for housing: Bernhard Staudt at info@bewegen-spielen-erfahren.de
3 nights per person: 63 € group dormitory (bathroom outside), 45 € own camper, 78 € shared room with bathroom, 102 € triple room, 117 € double room, 147 € single room
Meals 108 € (vegetarian, organic)

Repeating the Program
Anyone who has previously completed the Secrets of InterPlay is eligible for the $300 repeaters rate.

Financial Assistance
Diversity is a great gift in the InterPlay experience. Based on our commitment to Racial Equity and Transformation (read our statement here) and our understanding of other structural and personal inequalities that exist, Body Wisdom is committed to making our programs financially accessible.

Financial considerations need not be a barrier to your participation. Financial support and flexible payment plans are available. Please email info@interplay.org or feel free to speak to one of the leaders of this program.

For information about a discounted volunteer spot, email Bernhard Staudt info@bewegen-spielen-erfahren.de or call +49 1577 - 26 19 817

Venue: "Maibacher Schweiz" in 35510 Butzbach, Maibach,
(50 km from Frankfurt am Main)

To Register in Full or Make a Deposit
Note for Office

Cost: $400 ($300 for repeaters)

Registration/Information: Registration Questions, email: office@interplay.org. For financial assistance, email: info@interplay.org


Maibacher Schweiz

Alt Maibach 12, 35510 Butzbach-Maibach
near Frankfurt,
Bernhard Staudt
Bernhard Staudt offers InterPlay, theater courses and events for children, teenagers and adults. I give courses in the areas of: Movement theater, creativity development, team development, communication, Play training, for example for leisure group leaders, and singing circles. You can find more information here: bewegen-spielen-erfahren.de Experience and adventure offers are another mainstay, You can find out more about outdoor events here: impulse-in-der-natur.de I have been working as a freelancer for 13 years. Among other things, I am a freelance actor. In 2015, I founded "theater herzstück" and offer high-quality, entertaining plays for children and adults. www.theater-hersztueck.de Bernhard Staudt bietet InterPlay, Theaterkurse und Veranstaltungen für Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene an. Ich gebe Kurse in den Bereichen: Bewegungstheater, Kreativitätsentwicklung, Teamentwicklung, Kommunikation, Spieltraining, zum Beispiel für Freizeitgruppenleiter, und Singkreise. Mehr informationen findest Du hier: bewegen-spielen-erfahren.de Ein weiteres Standbein sind Erlebnis- und Abenteuer-Angebote, Mehr über die Outdoor-Events findest Du hier: impulse-in-der-natur.de Ich bin seit 13 Jahren freiberuflich tätig. Unter anderem bin ich freischaffender Schauspieler. Im Jahr 2015 gründete ich das "theater herzstück" und biete hochwertige, unterhaltsame Theaterstücke für Kinder und Erwachsene an. www.theater-hersztueck.de
Bart Durand
Bart is a certified InterPlay© leader and a longtime improvisation theater player and trainer. He is a member of “Theater Sprook” Playback theater group and is a trainer of circus and theater for kids (under 12) at schools. Bart lives in Deventer in The Netherlands and is also a father of two adult kids, husband, and a professional Bubble Blowing Artist. He has the heart of a Clown and loves to invite people to remember their own playfulness.

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