Community Building


Easy ways to explore
Masankho Banda, Peter Buck, Joy Hughes, Lynda Letourneau, Meg MacLeod, Nancy Moore, Leroy Petunia, Amy Smith, BCC, and Lorrie Streifel

Asheville, NC

First Saturday Monthly

Come explore the delightful, simple and enjoyable Forms of InterPlay led by alternating Leaders. InterPlay is a wonderful practice that explores movement, voice and storytelling forms. It is incremental and clear, simple and sweet ways of connecting with yourself and/or others. You cannot get it wrong!! Please join us. No experience necessary.

Cost: Suggested Donation $10-$20

Registration/Information: Lorrie Striefel (828)712-4471


Haw Creek Commons

315 Old Haw Creek Road
Asheville, NC 28805
Masankho Banda

Masankho is a multi - disciplinary Performing Artist, Certified InterPlay Leader, Educator and PeaceBuilder. He brings many unique perspectives to his work around the world. He learned the fine arts of storytelling and dance from his Malawian culture spending many long days and nights listening to stories and dancing to music that captivated his mind, shaped his being, nourished his soul and strengthened his spirit. Using performing arts Masankho motivates and inspires people of all ages to work together to bring about peace, social justice and cultural understanding. In 1997, he started UCanDanc—African Healing Arts to bring his passion for dance and storytelling to communities around the world. Masankho has been a Certified InterPlay Leader since 1999.

Masankho can also be reached at these phone numbers: +265 99 255 5338 or 88 113 8655 (available on Whatsapp / FaceTime)

Also: Skype : kamsisi
Facebook / Twitter: storytelling4u

Peter Buck
Joy Hughes
Lynda Letourneau
I have been exploring Interplay incrementally for about 15+ years. I lead a class intermittently and particularly like to lead a slow, steady class that has a theme. I'm interested in paying delightful attention to my own body wisdom and leading others to do the same. I work as an occupational therapist primarily in a rural Home Health setting/ communities. I'm on a long learning curve on how to sneak InterPlay into my life and work. I've also been doing DOBO at funerals and weddings for friends and loved ones.
Meg MacLeod

Meg MacLeod has been leading InterPlay classes and workshops since 1998: in the USA, the Netherlands, Scotland, Germany and Switzerland – in on-going classes, school teachers trainings, camp counselors, university dance and drama students, and at birthdays community celebrations and conferences. She has directed and performed in numerous choreographed and InterPlay (improvisational) concerts.

Some of her main influencers are the Work of Byron Kate, her 12-step recovery and Arnold Mindell's ideas on quantum physics, the Tao and the Dreaming body.

Earlier years.
As school teacher, she regularly directed performances starring the children or brought her musician friends to her school to perform for the kids. In the mid- late-80s as an artist-in-residence, she developed and solo-performed five interactive concerts using music, stories and dance/movement to teach social studies and ecology in 24 US states, Germany and the UK.

As a community activist for Walkable Communities in the 90s she produced several highly successful conferences and two organizations until becoming physically and emotionally 'burned-out'. She credits recovery of her senses and health to InterPlay and other systems and loves to share the playfulness and trust in her intuition and in life she has recovered.
Current passions are music and song-writing, InterPlaying and becoming more fluent in the Dutch language.
Nancy Moore
Nancy is a watercolor artist, weaving the arts n arts of healing, energy work, and ministry. She leads workshops she calls Image Evoked Storytelling, and is publishing a portfolio of images to initiate storytelling for the beholder.
Leroy Petunia
Leroy Petunia (gay/gem/ger) has been following the breadcrumb trail of ger wildest birthrights since gay were wee. Leroy found InterPlay when ger roots began cracking through the plastic pot of external authority, and gay realized that joy was both the path and the compass of ger life's purpose. Gay believe play is the key to staying on that purpose-full path, as well as an offering in the Divine courtship of collective liberation.
Amy Smith, BCC
Amy Smith is a hospice chaplain with Four Seasons Hospice in Flat Rock, N.C. A Board Certified Chaplain with the Association of Professional Chaplains since 1999, she has over 30 years experience in healthcare, the last 22 years working in a community hospice setting. Amy is a certified InterPlay leader, grief support group facilitator, and community educator, specializing in end-of-life issues, grief and bereavement, compassion fatigue and resilience. She lives in Western North Carolina near National and State Forests and is an avid hiker, photographer, and Native American flute player. Amy blends her arts background and deep compassion as she accompanies individuals and groups in facing the Big Questions and Annoying Limitations that are part of being human in this world.
Lorrie Streifel

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