Play, Notice, Witness!

Deepening into the Heart of InterPlay

Sharie Bowman and Krista Gemmell Harris

Seattle, WA

One Saturday a month Feb 8, Mar 8, Apr 12, May 17 10:00 am to 12:30 pm

Witnessing and being witnessed are at the heart of InterPlay. Witnessing yourself, witnessing others, being an affirming, witnessing community.


Archeologist Angeles Arrien writes:"Every culture has ways of maintaining health and well- being. Healers throughout the world recognize the importance of maintaining or retrieving the four universal healing salves: storytelling, singing, dancing and silence.   Shamanic societies believe that when we stop singing, stop dancing, are no longer enchanted by stories, or become uncomfortable with silence we experience soul loss, which opens the door to discomfort and disease.  The gifted Healer restores the soul through use of these healing salves." (The Four-fold Way)


We will be using storytelling, singing, dancing and silence to explore themes from Cynthia Winton-Henry's new book, The Art of Ensoulment. Come nourish body and soul!  

We will play and practice InterPlay forms for the first 90 minutes and then after a short break open the space for group sharing and two focus sessions.

(What is a focus session? During the InterPlay Life Practice Program, participants experience several 30-minute focus sessions where they creatively explore some aspect of their lives that is calling to them. One receives the undivided attention of a skilled InterPlay facilitator and experiences being witnessed by an affirming community. Witnesses frequently report that witnessing a focus session is as inspiring to their lives as doing one.)

Sign up for the series or drop-in for single sessions.

Cost: $35 (or pay as you can)

Registration/Information: Sharie Bowman at


St. Paul United Church of Christ

6512 12th Ave NW
Seattle, WA 98117
Sharie Bowman

Sharie Bowman, MA, LMHC is a Mental Health Counselor and also InterPlay's Regional Coordinator for the Pacific Northwest.  In 2006, Sharie completed her training as an InterPlay leader and also received her degree in mental health counseling, so InterPlay and counseling have been woven together in her bodyspirit from the start.  She finds InterPlay to be foundational in building and maintaining her personal resilience, as well supporting her work with clients.  In her private practice she regularly weaves InterPlay’s life-enhancing forms and philosophies with counseling wisdom to help individuals and families thrive.

Prior to 2006, Sharie worked as a high school math teacher and found InterPlay to be the best Teacher Training she ever received.  The improvisational skills that she developed immediately brought more play, creativity, and expression to her teaching as well as to classroom management.

Now Sharie finds great joy in bringing her organizational and instructional skills to the InterPlay classroom, and she often leads the foundational InterPlay Life Practice Program and mentors new leaders. She relishes sharing the joy of InterPlay far and wide, and supporting each participant in integrating InterPlay into their own lives!

Krista Gemmell Harris
Krista loves moving and playing with people. She is a gifted teacher and master InterPlay leader who has a long history of inspiring people to find more joy, ease, and wisdom in being bodies. Krista has been leading InterPlay since 1993. She is one of the original InterPlay pioneers who helped create InterPlay communities and Life Practice Programs outside the Bay area. Krista has an M.F.A. in Dance and is certified in both Laban Movement Analysis and InterPlay. Authentic Movement, Insight Meditation and Shibashi QiGong also inform and enrich her life and work. Krista has been an advocate for both deepening the experience of stillness in InterPlay and for bringing more playfulness into her meditation communities. Along with other InterPlayers, Krista is beginning to explore how the InterPlay tools and forms can be used to support social action education and change. 2131 NW 93rd St Seattle, WA 98117 United States Email: 206/784-8030

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