It's All About You!

You! - A Love Story + Journey of Discovery

Today you are You... that is truer than true
Marla Durden


Saturday, November 11, 10AM - NOON PDT

“Today you are You, that is truer than true.
There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
~ Dr. Suess

It's about You!

It has ALWAYS been about You. From your first breath in this realm, until your last… it has, and will be about You!

It's about your life, here and now, your unique note, your song… the one that only you can sing… about your genius, your weirdness, your joy, your dreams, your growth and your connection in love, life and harmony with other You’s.

You have magic in your blood and bones, passed on to you by the Ancestors, nourished by Mother Nature. You are wiser and more powerful than you know. You came here to share the magnificent beauty and Love that You are… for the good of us all. This is You... your sacred, gifted, wonderful self

Come play in the field of You! Join me for a journey of discovery and celebration… about You, in a circle of You’s.

Story + Play + Poetry + Embodiment Practices + Ritual + Journaling + Community + Love

Saturday, November 11th | 10:00AM - 12 NOON PDT
On Zoom
With Marla Durden

INVEST IN YOU: $39 | No one turned away. Please email for scholarships.

Cost: $39

Registration/Information: Contact Marla at 206/414-9009 or w/ questions

Marla Durden
Marla came to InterPlay at the end of 2016 and has never stopped playing. She immediately began performing and was certified as a leader in May 2021. Marla is an alchemist, artist, energy shaman and coach who uses her gifts to create experiences that support personal empowerment, healing and transformation.

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