Dancing in the Empty Spaces
Moving Midrash
Playing for the Sake of Heaven
Cassandra Sagan

Online, ONLINE
Fourth Thursdays, 10-11:30 am Pacific
We'll begin in text: a story, a word, a hint, wiggling mystical threads of connection. Using InterPlay's simple, incremental forms of three-dimensional storytelling-- sound, movement, stillness, and a bissell (little bit of) silliness-- we'll discover our own personal midrash (Torah-based narrative) and meanings. EVERYONE is welcome!
Cost: $0-$20 slide
Registration/Information: cassandra@ukemama.com for Zoom link
Cassandra Sagan
Cassandra Sagan is a long time InterPlayer leader and Maggid--Jewish storyteller/teacher/preacher.She is a poet, singer/songwriter, visual artist, performer, and all around Cultural Creative. Cassandra is an arts educator who has worked with adults and children for over 30 years helping them to access their full creative brilliance. Shehas led Moving Midrash programs internationally and used InterPlay to train Jewish Educators to develop story-based curriculum and create classroom cultures grounded in an ethic of play.