Let Your Body show you the Way Through
Somatic Transmissions: Deep Dive Playdates with your Body Wisdom
One-on-one sessions to connect with the Whole and Holy in you
Monisha Mittal
Online, ONLINE
By appointment only.
Have the intimatcy and insights of a focus session in this on-line one on one format. A one-on-one holy play date focuses solely on YOU and what you need or want to receive. Clear out the gunk and connect to your natural state of being. Using tools of InterPlay (Embodied Play), creatively explore a question, issue or conflict and discover the embodied possibilities awaiting you. This is about you discovering the choices that feel most "true": wise, direct and uplifting. Move forward with your Whole Being, with heart-connection and even Joy. In these sessions Monisha also shares any transmisisons she receives from the frequencies you are emanating.
30 minute or 45 minute sessions available. 30 minute sessions are suggested for experienced InterPlayers. 45 minute sessions include guided activations and sacred space to enhance alignment with your Higher Self. You can learn more about pricing on this page: https://monishamittal.com/one-on-ones.html
Cost: Pricing dependent on number of sessions. See link in description.
Registration/Information: https://monishamittal.com/1-on-1-sessions/
Monisha Mittal
Monisha Mittal is Certfied Leader (CL) and Life Practice Program Leader (LPL) in the Washington DC region. Since 2018, InterPlay and a regular Dance Chapel practice has been an integral part of her Being and Becoming. She proudly served as a Dance Chaplain for four years since the pandemic which turned her into a poetry addict and spawned her Poetic Revelations writing series (now named: The (tiny) Voice of Big Love). Now a Somatic Coach and Play Architect, she holds sacred space for others to tune into their Body Wisdom in one-on-one sessions, classes, and courses through her Center for Somatic Leadership and Communication. She is grateful to InterPlay for awakening her authenticity, for the exponential connection and laughter its given her, and for supporting her daily recovery as a recovering overachiever.