
(Canceled) Monthly Men's Zoom InterPlay

Edward Joy and Olaf Elander


2nd Monday of Every Month, 8:45 ET, 5:45 PT 7:45 PM CT 6:45 PM MT for 1.25 hours

On the 2nd Monday of each month, enjoy the kind strength of compassionate males doing InterPlay! All who identify as males are welcome to join in the spontaneous and sometimes rowdy fun. All from your own home over Zoom!

2nd Monday of every month lasting one hour and 15 minutes, starting 8:45 PM EST/7:45 PM CT/6:45 PM MT/5:45 PM PT/1:45 AM UTC

Here is the Zoom meeting information:

Meeting ID: 845 6906 7034 Password: MOVEment20

Hosted by Olaf Elander and a number of male InterPlay leaders!

Cost: $15 suggested, $0 - $15 Sliding scale

Registration/Information: Just click Zoom link and join at class time!


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Edward Joy
Olaf Elander
Olaf tasted an early increment of InterPlay at the Graduate Theological Union in the late 1980's. He returned to InterPlay in 2008 as one of the weekly Oakland men's group initiators. Olaf became a certified InterPlay Leader in 2017 and has led groups in Missoula Montana, and now in Naples, Florida. He has an interest in men's work and has led Men's InterPlay sessions himself and with other male leaders. Olaf facilitated work-life balance classes in the corporate world bringing parts of InterPlay to the information technology culture. He believes that InterPlay is to 21st Century spirituality what 12 Step has been to 20th Century spirituality. Whee!!

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