InterPlay Naples

Saturdays at 7PM EST/6 PM CT/5 PM MT/4 PM PT/11 PM UTC
Every Saturday, all are welcome to join InterPlay Naples for a one hour playful experience of spontaneity in a safe and supportive environment. All from your own home over Zoom!
Saturdays at 7 PM EST/6 PM CT/5 PM MT/4 PM PT/11 PM UTC
Here is the Zoom meeting information (click on the Meeting Id):
Meeting ID: 817 7838 0832 Passcode: NaplesFun!
At Interplay Naples, we play with being present, getting to know each other with an easy focus. Using Interplay’s improvisational movement and voice activities, we notice and explore our body knowledge, and encourage affirming human connection. All activities are invitational, and it’s always okay to watch or take a break. We love the way Interplay offers skills and “ways of being” to help people flow in the world with more ease and grace.
Olaf is a certified InterPlay Leader and a long-time Tai Chi practicer (Yang Family Hidden Tradition). He has taught InterPlay in California, Montana, and now Naples, Florida.