Come with an open mind & heart
White Awake Affinity Space
Agnotti Cowie,
Jennifer Denning, MSW,
Clarissa Worcester,
Christine Gautreaux, MSW,
Karen Hatch,
Katie Hymans,
CC King,
Lisa Ward, and
Leroy Petunia

4th Sunday of the Month - 11:00am-1pm PST.
4th Sunday of each month from 11 AM - 1PM PT / 2PM-4PM ET
White affinity spaces are for white people to come together to figure out how to dismantle white supremacy within ourselves and our communities.
There will be different facilitators bi-monthly who will share some of their learnings about white fragility, white guilt, and how centuries of historical racism are bubbling up to the surface now due to the continued horrific killings of Black people.
Come here with your questions and concerns, so we do not burden our BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) friends with ANYTHING.
This will also be a time to move, share stories, and use your voice in your authentic way.
We will work on physically letting go of what doesn't serve the whole community and calling in what is asked of us from our BIPOC community.
Please fill out this form to stay up to date on the monthly events: InterPlay White Awake Affinity Space Contact List.
We ask for donations in order to support equity through our financial contributions. Your donation will go to the Racial Equity and Transformation Mini-Grants Fund. Please make a donation to financially support visionary BIPOC leadership
Donate to the RET Mini Grants
There will be different facilitators bi-monthly who will share some of their learnings about white fragility, white guilt, and how centuries of historical racism are bubbling up to the surface now due to the continued horrific killings of Black people.
Come here with your questions and concerns, so we do not burden our BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) friends with ANYTHING.
This will also be a time to move, share stories, and use your voice in your authentic way.
We will work on physically letting go of what doesn't serve the whole community and calling in what is asked of us from our BIPOC community.
Please fill out this form to stay up to date on the monthly events: InterPlay White Awake Affinity Space Contact List.
We ask for donations in order to support equity through our financial contributions. Your donation will go to the Racial Equity and Transformation Mini-Grants Fund. Please make a donation to financially support visionary BIPOC leadership
Donate to the RET Mini Grants
Cost: This is a free class; donations are appreciated
Registration/Information: You can register by filling out the form in the description. (Check the facebook event listing page for this month's leaders.)
Agnotti Cowie
Agnotti Cowie (they/she) attended the first ever “Art & Social Change: InterPlay for Millennial Leaders” in 2010. Since, she joined InterPlay’s national board as well as becoming a certified InterPlay leader. Agnotti facilitates workshops worldwide employing a variety of pedagogical techniques such as InterPlay, Theatre of the Oppressed, Devising, puppetry and clown. Currently they are based in Chicago where they lead workshops in schools, organizations and with social movements including as Co-Artistic Director of Opera-Matic, bringing participatory arts to public spaces. Recently, they have taken their work around the globe teaching InterPlay workshops in India, Germany, Australia, Bali and Chile.
Jennifer Denning, MSW
Jennifer is keenly interested in using the InterPlay forms to promote racial justice and healing and has collaborated in developing and leading the workshops “Sankofa Communities” and “Using Body Wisdom to Build Just Communities.” She directs InterPlay Atlanta's performance group, Soulprint Players. She launched InterPlay Atlanta’s programming with women in prison and has taught regularly at Trinity House and The Friendship Center. Jennifer has also worked as a professional actor and taught and directed with Synchronicity Theatre’s “Playmaking For Girls” program for over fifteen years. Her work has long centered on the intersection of creativity, spirituality and social justice.
Jennifer currently works as a financial social worker, using financial education as one tool to advance economic equity. She delights in weaving deep breaths, InterPlay storytelling forms, and body awareness into her workshops.
Jennifer is a former co-president of the Body Wisdom Board of Directors and a founding member of InterPlay's Racial Equity and Transformation committee.
Clarissa Worcester
Christine Gautreaux, MSW
Christine (she/her) is dedicated to the pursuit of play, joy, art & social justice. Christine’s superpowers include connecting people, helping folks manifest their dreams, standing up against injustice and using art to make a difference in the world.
She currently uses performance art, movement, poetry, storytelling and InterPlay to address issues of oppression with women who are incarcerated, people living with severe and persistent mental illness and homelessness. She also works with activists and artists to maintain balance and self-care during these intense times we find ourselves living.
Pivoting with the times Christine has been called an expert on Zoom and utilizes this online platform to facilitate connection and ease in an online, interactive learning environment.
Christine Gautreaux holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Social Work. She has professional experience with successful grant writing, community organizing and social media marketing. Christine is a life coach for caregivers who are burnt out and ready to take back their own life and make it delightful again. She is the co-author of Stillpoint: A Caregivers Playbook to find ease and to take a deep breath and reclaim joy and Women Connected in Wisdom: Stories and Resources Rooted in the 8 Dimensions of Wellnes V. I and V. II
She currently uses performance art, movement, poetry, storytelling and InterPlay to address issues of oppression with women who are incarcerated, people living with severe and persistent mental illness and homelessness. She also works with activists and artists to maintain balance and self-care during these intense times we find ourselves living.
Pivoting with the times Christine has been called an expert on Zoom and utilizes this online platform to facilitate connection and ease in an online, interactive learning environment.
Christine Gautreaux holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Social Work. She has professional experience with successful grant writing, community organizing and social media marketing. Christine is a life coach for caregivers who are burnt out and ready to take back their own life and make it delightful again. She is the co-author of Stillpoint: A Caregivers Playbook to find ease and to take a deep breath and reclaim joy and Women Connected in Wisdom: Stories and Resources Rooted in the 8 Dimensions of Wellnes V. I and V. II
Karen Hatch
Karen identifies as both a "free agent" and healing justice advocate and wants to play with everyone! With a background in hospice nursing and youth ministry she is dedicated to being present to the unbelievable beauty of being human in all people across the lifespan. She is particularly committed to racial equity and transformation and is an activist, facilitator, community organizer and student at home in rural Virginia and beyond. Karen is a Certified InterPlay leader and singer/songwriter.
Katie Hymans
Katie Hymans is a passionate racial justice educator who incorporates movement into her work toward collective liberation for all. With a focus on exploring white privilege/whiteness, she blends creative expression with social justice in ways that are all at once healing, fun, insightful, and approachable. Katie brings an easy-going and welcoming attitude that puts people at ease and allows for us all to laugh at ourselves at the same time as pushing our edges. With additional education in Theatre of the Oppressed, a Masters degree in Cultural Anthropology and Social Transformation, a Certificate in Sound, Voice, and Healing, and extensive exploration of her own whiteness, Katie offers a unique approach to racial justice that focuses on our connections with each other.
CC King
CC is a Certified InterPlay Leader Boston-area coordinator and grateful mentor to InterPlay Leaders in Training and Harvard Divinity School Students. She has been practicing the joyous unfolding of InterPlay for over 20 years and currently serves on the Body Wisdom Board and the Integrity & Innovation Council. CC is an expressive therapist, visual artist, teacher and community activist. Dedicated to inviting respectful & celebratory relations with Earth and her beings, CC designs workshops, organic sculpture and public performance. She values play with elders, Memory Cafes, cancer support and inclusive healing & transformation. Her background includes nonprofit management, art and family therapy, trauma-informed InterPlay and a life-long commitment to finding sustenance, creative activism, and joyful reverence in the natural world.
Lisa Ward
Lisa is a certified Interplay leader, mother of two, and Unitarian Universalist minister. Born and bred UU, Lisa's first career was in theatre and film, specializing in ensemble work. She has served congregations for the last 28 years in Manhattan, Queens, White Plains, New York, Churchville, Maryland, and Milton, Massachusetts.
Ways interplay threads have woven in her life: Change the Race Dance, Competency with Discomfort (White affinity group addressing racism), UU minister and/or youth groups, occasional moments in worship, and ways to play with seeking wholeness when impacted with domestic violence.
Ways interplay threads have woven in her life: Change the Race Dance, Competency with Discomfort (White affinity group addressing racism), UU minister and/or youth groups, occasional moments in worship, and ways to play with seeking wholeness when impacted with domestic violence.
Leroy Petunia
Leroy Petunia (gay/gem/ger) has been following the breadcrumb trail of ger wildest birthrights since gay were wee. Leroy found InterPlay when ger roots began cracking through the plastic pot of external authority, and gay realized that joy was both the path and the compass of ger life's purpose. Gay believe play is the key to staying on that purpose-full path, as well as an offering in the Divine courtship of collective liberation.