Diving into what life is calling for
CC King

Concord, MA
1st & 3rd Thursdays 10-11:30am ET: February 6 & 20 or 27; March 6 and 20; April 3 & 17; May 1 & 15; June 5 & 19
We gather in presence to breathe spaciousness into our individual and collective body spirits and our communities. Move; roar, sigh, be silly and be serious. We play with what's up and do so with simple, incremental activities that any body can access. Come be transformed (yikes!). For our health, for our capacity to engage and for our beloved world.
1st & 3rd Thursdays 10-11:30am eastern time.
1st & 3rd Thursdays 10-11:30am eastern time.
Cost: Drop-in $20. or what you can afford.
Emerson Umbrella Center for the Arts
40 Stow St
Concord, MA 01742
Emerson Umbrella is located in Concord Center.
Parking is available in the adjacent lot on Stow Street.
The building will be open during the workshop hours. - use the front door.
CC King
CC is a Certified InterPlay Leader Boston-area coordinator and grateful mentor to InterPlay Leaders in Training and Harvard Divinity School Students. She has been practicing the joyous unfolding of InterPlay for over 20 years and currently serves on the Body Wisdom Board and the Integrity & Innovation Council. CC is an expressive therapist, visual artist, teacher and community activist. Dedicated to inviting respectful & celebratory relations with Earth and her beings, CC designs workshops, organic sculpture and public performance. She values play with elders, Memory Cafes, cancer support and inclusive healing & transformation. Her background includes nonprofit management, art and family therapy, trauma-informed InterPlay and a life-long commitment to finding sustenance, creative activism, and joyful reverence in the natural world.