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Side-by-Side International Gathering 2021

Especially organized for InterPlay leaders in the Eastern Hemisphere
Ermina Bailon, Vibhuti Aggarwal, Masankho Banda, Sukhmani Kohli, Trish Watts, Ade Anifowose, Meg MacLeod, Sophie Schultze-Allen, and Pemra Kahraman


Thu–Sun, Aug 12–15, 2021 • See time below

Please join us for the second Side-by-Side International Gathering to be be held two weeks after the 2021 Leaders Gathering. We are sprinkling the magic of InterPlay around the world, as this Gathering will be open to anyone and will be at times convenient to those of us living in Asia, Africa, Australia, India, New Zealand, Europe and other Eastern hemisphere countries. This event is open to all InterPlayers (not just certified leaders).

Our theme is ”Sharing Our Common Ground.” We’ll come together and plant stories, songs, dances, and stillness in an InterPlay garden. We’ll be watering not just the soil of our own souls. Quantum waves will spread our seeds into a world thirsty for the nourishment of play. We have experienced that play is an intervention in the drought/flood/drought cycles of the personal as well as world nature.

In this gathering, we wish to explore the various threads of being interconnected to each other, feeling the connections with the soil that births us and that nurtures us. We wish to play together, find laughter and joy in the connections across borders, share our grief and support each other through our dreams and visions.

We will have whole group sessions, opportunities to move together in large and small groups, a whole range of informative and playful workshops, and wonderful opportunities to see old friends and make new ones.

Thursday to Sunday 12–15 August, 2021
8:00 am to 12:00 pm

12.30 pm-4.30 pm

9:00 am-1:00 pm

5:00 pm- 9:00 pm

Our tuition is on a sliding-scale; according to your unique financial situation you can contribute:
$75 to $250 for all 4 days or
$25-$75 for just one day
We do not want lack of funds to limit your participation so please contact so we can find a solution.

If you can contribute in the upper range, wonderful! That will go towards our scholarship pool, helping us have an inclusive group of participants plus be financially sustainable.

Want to offer a workshop?
If you are a certified or emerging InterPlay leader we’d love you to offer a workshop and you can then subtract $50 off your tuition fee. Your workshop theme could be around "Connecting with the soil" or anything that you have been working on or would like to explore. And springing from the 'Soil' theme, where quadrillions of organisms collaborate in every square inch of living soil, we want to encourage workshop leaders to reach out to someone to collaborate with them in some way for your workshop. You could reach out to any of the organizers to connect you with InterPlayers across continents or you can take a leap of faith and just ask.

You can submit your workshop here (copy and paste this link in a browser window) latest by 24th July, 2021: Reach out to Pemra at for any queries.

Calculate your registration amount and use the button below to pay and register.

If you have difficulty paying through the payment button below, use this link: You can also Register Here

Registration/Tuition (in USD):
Note for Office (if needed)

Cost: Sliding scale: $75 to $250 for all 4 days or $25-$75 for just one day

Registration/Information: Use the payment button above or contact Sukhmani at to make other arrangements.


Online Untensives

Ermina Bailon
Ermina completed her InterPlay leadership training in 2010 in Sydney, Australia. She has since applied Interplay’s body wisdom principles and improvisational forms to offer and co-create space for authenticity, connectedness, ease, inspiration, spontaneity, wonder, wisdom, fullness of being and shared aliveness in various settings. She sees the practice of InterPlay as an expression of reverence for the dynamic whole body experiencing of spiritedness, creativity, inter-beingness and belonging. She weaves her broad-based training and in-depth experiences in mental health, expressive arts and play, improvisation, conscious dance/movement, shamanism, yoga, pilates, qiqong, mindfulness, somatics and nature-based practices cultivating and supporting life-affirming capacities for wakeful presence. Currently based in Singapore, her research on the inter-relationship of the body-mind-heart-breath-consciousness guides her inner unfolding and offerings. She continues to attune to and respond to the reciprocal relationship with the living world with open curiosity, deep listening, loving awareness, compassion and courage to carry life forward and become a worthy ancestor.
Vibhuti Aggarwal
Vibhuti is a creative soul, who loves to be in community spaces with people where learning and transformation is the core. She did her Interplay through the Arts and Social Change program in 2018 and finished her training in 2020. She has been leading spaces using Interplay with young people in India on the themes of ecological connections, self- awareness and community building. She is also a Clown and performs and shares the fundamentals of clowning to youth. Along with her creative practise, she leads a youth organisation called Youth Alliance in India. She created the Earth Shastra program to awaken the head, heart and hand of young people to connect to nature and question the current development paradigm. She uses various modalities to facilitate journeys and loves to bring play to her and other's life.
Masankho Banda

Masankho is a multi - disciplinary Performing Artist, Certified InterPlay Leader, Educator and PeaceBuilder. He brings many unique perspectives to his work around the world. He learned the fine arts of storytelling and dance from his Malawian culture spending many long days and nights listening to stories and dancing to music that captivated his mind, shaped his being, nourished his soul and strengthened his spirit. Using performing arts Masankho motivates and inspires people of all ages to work together to bring about peace, social justice and cultural understanding. In 1997, he started UCanDanc—African Healing Arts to bring his passion for dance and storytelling to communities around the world. Masankho has been a Certified InterPlay Leader since 1999.

Masankho can also be reached at these phone numbers: +265 99 255 5338 or 88 113 8655 (available on Whatsapp / FaceTime)

Also: Skype : kamsisi
Facebook / Twitter: storytelling4u

Sukhmani Kohli
Sukhmani uses theatre, clowning, body wisdom practices and her skills as an empathetic facilitator to assist others in releasing shame and practice self acceptance. She first experienced InterPlay in 2014 when she participated in the Arts and Social Change Millennial program in California. She has been leading InterPlay ever since. She believes practices like interplay are powerful entry points for moving through conflict and connecting with your own sense of magic, moving from scarceness to abundance. She works with children, young adults, working professionals, communities and organisations. She runs Purple Mangoes, a company of facilitators who call themselves experience builders, gleaners and artists.
Trish Watts
Trish Watts A singer, songwriter, educator and community choir director, with over 40 years experience as a performer, animator and creative arts facilitator in Australia and overseas. Co-founder of InterPlay Australia, she has completed studies in Voice Movement Therapy in the US. Trish has published over 10 collections of original music. She offers workshops and retreats in singing, creativity, spirituality and body wisdom. For more info see the International Association for Voice Movement Therapy, InterPlay Australia Association, and in the US:
Ade Anifowose

Ade is a Certified InterPlay Leader, Mindset Coach. Intuitive Healer and Podcaster. For over 25 years, Ade has devoted his life to being both a student and teacher of ancient wisdom. He is known for his optimism and ability to put people at ease while tapping into the inner wisdom of the soul. His unique approach opens the minds of his clients so they can more easily and effectively approach life head-on and find the help and answers they seek.

Ade is a lover of humanity who is passionate about creating outstanding new and unique gifts of healing for the world. Grounded in universal principles and healing arts, he uses his podcast, interactive playshops, storytelling, the arts, sacred drumming, and social media, to supports people in shifting their consciousness. Ade has a deep passion for helping people to connect with their unique sense of self and is dedicated to inspiring people to live from the confidence of their truest self.

Meg MacLeod

Meg MacLeod has been leading InterPlay classes and workshops since 1998: in the USA, the Netherlands, Scotland, Germany and Switzerland – in on-going classes, school teachers trainings, camp counselors, university dance and drama students, and at birthdays community celebrations and conferences. She has directed and performed in numerous choreographed and InterPlay (improvisational) concerts.

Some of her main influencers are the Work of Byron Kate, her 12-step recovery and Arnold Mindell's ideas on quantum physics, the Tao and the Dreaming body.

Earlier years.
As school teacher, she regularly directed performances starring the children or brought her musician friends to her school to perform for the kids. In the mid- late-80s as an artist-in-residence, she developed and solo-performed five interactive concerts using music, stories and dance/movement to teach social studies and ecology in 24 US states, Germany and the UK.

As a community activist for Walkable Communities in the 90s she produced several highly successful conferences and two organizations until becoming physically and emotionally 'burned-out'. She credits recovery of her senses and health to InterPlay and other systems and loves to share the playfulness and trust in her intuition and in life she has recovered.
Current passions are music and song-writing, InterPlaying and becoming more fluent in the Dutch language.
Sophie Schultze-Allen
Sophie Spiral Schultze-Allen (they/them) is a dance researcher for embodied climate justice in Berlin. Sophie uses InterPlay to explore ways in which we can deepen our connection to Earth and build reciprocal, regenerative relationships through unlocking the wisdom already present in our Earth bodies. Sophie became a certified InterPlay leader in 2017 after completing the Arts & Social Change for Millennial Leaders training. They recently completed a Masters in Dance Studies and are now pursuing a PhD investigating Dance and Climate Justice at the Free University Berlin. Anything is possible in the world of improvisation: Every moment becomes a fertile seed capable of shifting the path of humanity. With an open heart, Sophie invites others to build their resiliency to lead with love and compassion through embodied, creative play.
Pemra Kahraman

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