How Do We Frame or Reframe our Questions?

Living Your Questions

Open Gathering
Lucia Young


Every fourth Saturday 10am to noon EST, 7am to 9am PT

As we progress on our life’s journey, we have opportunities to expand ourselves in new directions. We might feel curiosity and wonder about where we are heading in our lives. We can ask ourselves questions because they have power and potential to guide us. They can help create a centeredness as well as a direction.

They can open up new wisdom and insight. The way we ask a question, in a positive or negative way, can determine the answers that come to us.

Join us for an exploration on Living Your Questions.

Open Gathering is a gathering perfect for both experienced InterPlayers and newcomers. We welcome people from all over the country and world to come and play with the DC InterPlay community.
Zoom link:

Cost: $10 (or make check payable to InterPlay DC and mail it to Peter Kent, 6827 4th St NW #219, Washington DC 20012)



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Lucia Young
Lucia Young has been a Hatha Yoga teacher for over 20 years, as well as taught aerobics and Kundalini Yoga. Originally from Texas, now living in Arizona. Her journey began with ballet and other dance classes and now she is really loving sharing the joy and wonder of improvised movement. She became a non-denominational minister, focused on counseling for Heart & Living Wisdom in 2006.

Her career was as a C.P.A. where everything was prescribed and pretty serious. Lucy is very pleased to have found Interplay to help with spontaneity, light-heartedness and improvisation. She volunteers at her son’s school and she does Expressive Arts including SoulCollage and acrylic visionary painting.

Lucy has studied NLP, Energy Psychology and many more modalities due to her far-ranging curiosity for all things deep and transformational. Interplay is like the cohesion that brings many things together for her to explore deep play, connection and creativity. Ever since she discovered Interplay in early 2018, she has been exploring it widely and enthusiastically to learn as much as she can from this exquisite system. She has found meaningful connections and more grace and ease.

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