Let Go, Restore, and Come Alive in Community Though Embodied Expression
Social Health During Times of Physical Separation
Connect, De-stress & Play
Jeanette Logan and
June Goudey

To Be Announced
I hope you and your family are well and managing okay during this very challenging time. In the midst of this upheaval and uncertainy, it is very important for us to socially connect, to play, to release stress and to share mutually caring support. Thanks to Zoom, we can still do this! Come join us online to take excellent care of your body/spirit. We'd love to spend quality time with you! We'll meet for just an hour while we're online. If possible, come to the meeting about 5-10 minutes early to get setup and to say hi.
Will resume in 2021. (4th Sundays) at 1:55pm, PST, go to
Join URL: https://zoom.us/j/91275547847?pwd=SFJZcTg5eFhOZzlpeXFhYUloVjhYQT09
and enter in Meeting ID: 912-7554-7847
Password: 694797
Or just click here Zoom Meeting Link to go to this gathering.
Here's a beautiful quote from Cynthia Winton-Henry (co-founder of InterPlay):
Will resume in 2021. (4th Sundays) at 1:55pm, PST, go to
Join URL: https://zoom.us/j/91275547847?pwd=SFJZcTg5eFhOZzlpeXFhYUloVjhYQT09
and enter in Meeting ID: 912-7554-7847
Password: 694797
Or just click here Zoom Meeting Link to go to this gathering.
Here's a beautiful quote from Cynthia Winton-Henry (co-founder of InterPlay):
“Instead of attacking problems…Play welcomes wounded-ness without making a huge deal out of it all. Play concentrates upon and elevates wholeness rather than weakness…Play heals in part because it takes the pressure off what hurts. Our bodies love to create. Play activates the best in us for nothing but recreation. In recreation we are created anew. Our creative energy, like a tide of health, sweeps our challenges in the direction of well-being.”
Many blessings of good health and peace,Jeanette
Cost: $5-20, sliding scale (No one turned away for lack of funds) PayPal or Zelle to jeanettelogan@mac.com
Registration/Information: jeanettelogan@mac.com, 707/567-1396
Jeanette Logan
Since 1994, Jeanette has been running her own business, Youthful Hearts: Fitness Classes and Coaching after 50! (Strength, Flexibility, Balance, and Aliveness for Your Body, Mind, Heart & Spirit.) She is certified in Group Fitness Instruction, Natural Wellness, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), and InterPlay and holds her BA in Theatre Arts. She enthusiastically works with health-minded groups and individuals who desire to feel better and live better so they can more fully enjoy their older years! Jeanette's primary purpose is to be free to play and create and to help improve humanity in the process.
June Goudey
Retired United Church of Christ Minister. Author of The Feast of Our Lives: Re-Imagining Communion (available for download at https://www.academia.edu/ ) Currently co-leading Interplay Vallejo with Susan Main and and Jeanette Logan.