Unlock the Wisdom of Your Body! Weekly: Ongoing ~ Drop-ins welcome.

Missoula InterPlay Every Friday

Every Friday from 4:30 til 6 p.m., Open Way Mindfulness Center, 702 Brooks, Missoula, Montana
Linda Lee and Olaf Elander

Missoula, MT

Fridays from 4:30 until 6 p.m.

InterPlay is an active, creative way to unlock the wisdom of your body. Get your body, mind, heart and spirit working all at the same time! Increase your energy, learn new tools to increase ease and connect with wonderful people. Create community. InterPlay is easy, incremental, affirming and fun. Expect to laugh! Drop into this class at any time, then make it a habit!

Cost: Donation

Registration/Information: lindaleemt@gmail.com


Missoula InterPlay on Fridays

702 Brooks
Missoula, MT 59801
Please enter the Open Way Mindfulness Center from the side-door. Please park on the street instead of the driveway.
Linda Lee
Linda has been co-leading InterPlay in Missoula, Montana on Fridays for six years. She first discovered InterPlay at a New Year's Eve "Untensive" with Cynthia Winton-Henry and Phil Porter in 2010 and decided she had to learn how to facilitate this wonderful practice. Linda has incorporated InterPlay at large conferences and offered sessions to staff at non-profit organizations. She has also worked as a massage therapist, community organizer, supervisor of a large public health program and an organizational consultant. With InterPlay, Linda has responded to a personal calling for embodiment, deep connection, creative expression and more fun. She thoroughly enjoys sharing InterPlay and all of it's wonderful surprises. She plays well with others!
Olaf Elander
Olaf tasted an early increment of InterPlay at the Graduate Theological Union in the late 1980's. He returned to InterPlay in 2008 as one of the weekly Oakland men's group initiators. Olaf became a certified InterPlay Leader in 2017 and has led groups in Missoula Montana, and now in Naples, Florida. He has an interest in men's work and has led Men's InterPlay sessions himself and with other male leaders. Olaf facilitated work-life balance classes in the corporate world bringing parts of InterPlay to the information technology culture. He believes that InterPlay is to 21st Century spirituality what 12 Step has been to 20th Century spirituality. Whee!!

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