Spiritual Nourishment for Body & Soul

InterPlay Retreats

Dates & Times Upon request
Jane Siarny


Dates & Times upon request

Bring your group and create your own retreat with Jane's leadership. Contact me for availability.
Wisdom of the Body InterPlay groups are open to anyone longing for deeper access to InterPlay’s body wisdom tools and playful forms of movement, sound and story. If you are looking for nourishment, support & attention, this is the place to be. Sessions are designed for ample warm up, reflection and moving into deeper play through more noticing, witnessing, savoring and exploring.

Monetary Offering Options for Jane’s online classes: PayPal.Me/JaneLSiarny $0 - CELEBRATED - This option is where you are celebrated for your gifts but you cannot contribute any monetary funds at this time. $10-25 - HONORING - This option is where you honor the work and we thank you. $30-45 - SUPPORTING - This option honors the work and contributes to its development and we thank you. $50-80 - SPONSORING - This option covers yourself as well as sponsors those with less access to financial resources and we thank you. InterPlay is an active creative process for unlocking the wisdom of the body. Through practical ideas and a system of practices rooted in storytelling, movement & sound; we gain access to our own “body wisdom” ~ what works best for us, what gives us purpose, what makes us feel fully alive. It often leads to personal & community transformation.

Join in the 30th Anniversary Celebration! 1989-2019 Created by Phil Porter & Cynthia Winton-Henry, InterPlay is changing the world ~ one PLAY at a time. www.interplay.org

Cost: TBD

Registration/Information: Contact Jane at interplaychicago@sbcglobal.net 630/715-8590


Online Ongoing Classes & Groups

Jane Siarny
Jane Siarny, MFA is dedicated to uplifting the human spirit through creativity, community building, and body-wise practices. For her, InterPlay opens the door to an integrated spiritual practice that allows for authentic and joyful living. Jane brings added experiences from a lifelong dance career, yoga teaching, love of poetry, singing, and working with children. She is the InterPlay Life Practice Program Coordinator, a Life Practice Program Leader since 1999, and a Mentor in the InterPlay Leader Training Program. Her story can be found in MOVE: What the Body Wants by InterPlay co-creators Cynthia Winton-Henry with Phil Porter.

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