Good Times XV Summer InterPlay Camp

Unlock the Wisdom of Your Body
Coke Tani and Phil Porter

Vashon Island, WA

Friday, August 30 beginning with dinner at 5:30 pm (check in time begins at 4 pm) through Sunday, Sept. 1st at 4 pm

InterPlayers have long known that movement, story, sound, silence and contact are unique and powerful ways of knowing. We can claim who we are, what is important to us, how we want to be in community even if it pushes against what is presented to us in the wider world.

During the 2024 Summer Camp weekend, we will have lots of opportunity to create, play, reflect, connect, and refresh while we reflect on some of the deeper possibilities of body wisdom. How do we reflect on our body data? How do we “change our practices to change our lives?” How do we increase our understanding and appreciation of the wide variety of wisdom that hasn’t had the space to be heard? How do we give voice to the more difficult challenges of working and playing together?

InterPlay Leader Coke Tani and InterPlay Co-founder Phil Porter will lead the group in a wide range of play and share some of their own experience with claiming their own body wisdom. We will en-“joy” each other and revel in this beautiful setting on Vashon Island.

The last day to register for overnight stays and meals is AUGUST 15th.


Cost: Tuition $300 ($250 before August 1) Housing and Meals ($250 camping, $300 triple, $350 double)

Registration/Information: Contact Sharie Bowman at


Camp Burton

9326 SW Bayview Drive
Vashon Island, WA 98070
Coke Tani
Coke Tani, is a movement and literary artist, spiritual companion, and teacher/facilitator. In addition to having co-led the Secrets of InterPlay & Life Practice Program, Coke served as InterPlay's first Liaison to Leaders of Color, where she introduced the expansion of InterPlay forms for embodied anti-racism education, and co-created InterPlay's first BIPOC Daylong Retreat. Currently, Coke leads InterPlay in communities of color and faith-based settings, as well as in 1:1 focus sessions, She serves on InterPlay's Culture & Curriculum Pod of the Racial Equity and Transformation Committee. In former years, Coke was a community-based therapist and solo theater artist. She holds an MSW, MFA and MDiv.
Phil Porter
Phil is one of the founders of InterPlay. He is a teacher, performer, writer, and organizer. With Cynthia Winton-Henry he is the co-founder of WING IT! Performance Ensemble, and has written several books, some in collaboration with Cynthia, including Having It All: Body, Mind, Heart & Spirit Together Again at Last and The Slightly Mad Rantings of a Body Intellectual Part One. Phil is particularly interested in the use of InterPlay in organizational life, and believes that InterPlay can be a powerful tool to create communities of diversity and peace.

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