An evening of improvisation created out of the stuff of life!

"The Unbelievable Beauty of Being Human" Performance

A Performance by InterPlay Co-founder Phil Porter and participants in the "UBBH" InterPlay Untensive
Phil Porter

Chicago, IL

Saturday, June 18, 2011 • 7 pm

Join Phil Porter, artist, performer and InterPlay co-founder in an informal evening of improvisation created by Chicago-area InterPlayers who will have just finished a two-day workshop with Phil also called "The Unbelievable Beauty of Being Human."

This performance culminates a weekend of exploring how InterPlay creates more connection and ease through sharing stories, moving together and listening to the wisdom of the body. It is incremental, affirming, and something that any body can do. Come join in the FUN! Expect to laugh, savor and relax.

The weekend begins with a FREE workshop on Thursday, June 16, 7-9 pm

The UBBH Untensive retreat is all day Friday-Saturday, June 17-18.

Cost: Freewill donations

Registration/Information: For Information contact: or 630/715-8590


Ravenswood Presbyterian Church

4300 N. Hermitage Ave
Chicago, IL 60613-1106
Phil Porter
Phil is one of the founders of InterPlay. He is a teacher, performer, writer, and organizer. With Cynthia Winton-Henry he is the co-founder of WING IT! Performance Ensemble, and has written several books, some in collaboration with Cynthia, including Having It All: Body, Mind, Heart & Spirit Together Again at Last and The Slightly Mad Rantings of a Body Intellectual Part One. Phil is particularly interested in the use of InterPlay in organizational life, and believes that InterPlay can be a powerful tool to create communities of diversity and peace.

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