Play for a Change!

The Oakland Million Connections Weekend

Phil Porter and Cynthia Winton-Henry

Oakland, CA

Friday, Saturday & Sunday • November 5, 6 & 7

After taking the Million Connections to 5 other cities this fall, Cynthia Winton-Henry and Phil Porter bring it back home to Oakland. Join us for an exciting, freeing, playful, sneaky deep weekend of events.

Friday, November 5

Cynthia's ongoing group Movement and Voice Meditation • 10:30am - 12 noon
InterPlay for Healing Workshop • 2 - 5 pm
"Dancing on Behalf of" Event (D.O.B.O.) • 7 - 9 pm

All events on Friday at InterPlayce

Saturday, November 6

InterPlay Community Time - FREE! • 9:30 am - 12:15 pm
Free FUNdraising Lunch • 12:30 - 2 pm
Flash Mob! • 2 - 4 pm • Wear black and your sunglasses for this public extravaganza (our version of the currently popular "flash mob" where folks converge somewhere to create something fun and surprising.)

Workshop and lunch at First Congregational Church of Berkeley. Then drive to InterPlayce for Flash Mob.

Sunday, November 7

Get a taste of the InterPlay system at the Free Sample at InterPlayce in downtown Oakland.

Check out links to full descriptions of each of these events below.

Click here to register online for this and other events on this weekend.

Cost: This weekend is for everyone – all events are FREE! We’ll have a donation basket for those inspired to support the work of InterPlay around the world.

Registration/Information: Use the link above to register for any of the weekend events or call 510/465-2797



2273 Telegraph Avenue (at 23rd St.)
Oakland, CA 94612
InterPlayce is the center of the InterPlay universe. The offices for Body Wisdom, Inc. are also located here. The building is at the corner of 23rd and Telegraph, one block north of West Grand. It is just a few blocks from the 19th Street Downtown Oakland BART station, and on several convenient bus lines. On-street parking is always available at night and metered during the day. It is also easily accessible by several of the major freeways. Click here for a map.
Phil Porter
Phil is one of the founders of InterPlay. He is a teacher, performer, writer, and organizer. With Cynthia Winton-Henry he is the co-founder of WING IT! Performance Ensemble, and has written several books, some in collaboration with Cynthia, including Having It All: Body, Mind, Heart & Spirit Together Again at Last and The Slightly Mad Rantings of a Body Intellectual Part One. Phil is particularly interested in the use of InterPlay in organizational life, and believes that InterPlay can be a powerful tool to create communities of diversity and peace.
Cynthia Winton-Henry
Cynthia Winton-Henry, co-founder of InterPlay with Phil Porter, has researched "what the body wants" in the arts, in jails, shelters, slums, hospitals, churches, businesses, classrooms, doctoral programs in theology and the arts, and in multicultural education. She develops somatic curriculums to address racism, leadership for the Earth, and spiritual intelligence with an eye to supporting millennials. A featured speaker on the Body Intelligence Summit and a keynoter at conferences, Cynthia is the author of What the Body Wants, Having It All: Body, Mind, Heart & Spirit Together Again at Last; Dance - A Sacred Art: Discovering the Joy of Movement as Spiritual Practice, Chasing the Dance of Life: A Faith Journey, and The Art of Ensoulment: A Playbook on How to Create From Body and Soul.. Check out her writing, The Dancing Center, on Substack, her Hidden Monastery Online Dance Chapels and courses for those seeking spiritual intelligence for our time at

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