Events in 3 different locations!

CathyAnn Beaty Leads InterPlay in Colorado

CathyAnn Beaty

Ft. Collins, Colorado Springs, Boulder (Lafayette), CO

September 23-27, 2010

Master InterPlay teacher CathyAnn Beaty will be leading a variety of events in September in Fort Collins, Colorado Springs and Boulder (Lafayette). Come experience the unique gifts of this long-time leader from Minnesota. CathyAnn will be leading general InterPlay workshops as well as some special workshops for therapists and healers. Check out the links below that will give you specific event details.

Cost: See individual events for registration fees.

Registration/Information: Check out individual events for contact details


Various locations in Colorado

Ft. Collins, Colorado Springs, Boulder (Lafayette), CO
CathyAnn Beaty
CathyAnn Beaty, MDiv, is a master InterPlay leader, dancer and visual artist. She has been working with ongoing groups of therapists, clergy and other helping professionals for the past 12 years through her business SoulPlay, and has developed new approaches to healing based both on her professional and personal experience. CathyAnn is an ordained minister and began her InterPlay journey in 1989 when serving as pastor at Spirit of the Lakes UCC. She got her Masters of Divinity at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities in 1984 and did her Clinical Pastoral Education at Hennipen County Medical Center in Minneapolis. She served three parishes over 15 years. CathyAnn leads the InterPlay Life Practice Program, The InterPlay Way, performance workshops, couples classes, mentors leaders in training and directs SoulPlay Performance Ensemble. She has taught InterPlay in India, Australia and around the United States.

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