Leader’s Circle Login

Leader Name:

If you have trouble logging in, email Lucia at (office@interplay.org) to check your Leader Name and Password.

What is the Leader’s Circle?

The purpose of the Leader’s Circle is to create a network of mutual support for leaders of InterPlay, to provide resources for teaching, leading and marketing InterPlay and to honor the agreements concerning the teaching and use of the InterPlay body of knowledge. The Circle is open to those who have completed the InterPlay Leader Training Program or who are in the process of completing that Program.

What Leader’s Circle members receive:

Monday Morning Emails

Ongoing contact and support from InterPlay cofounder Cynthia Winton-Henry

Access to the Leader’s Circle section of the website

This special area of the website supports and enables the work/play of Leader’s Circle members who are sharing InterPlay around the world. All information entered on this site is available to other InterPlay sites that are hosted on the same server with this database.

Curriculums and Documents

We post new InterPlay curriculums and documents like InterPlay and Teens, InterPlay and Performance, and the 62 page document Playing on the INside: InterPlay Symplaysium writings for Therapists, Coaches, and Spiritual Directors. and More!

Leaders Circle conference calls

Conference calls connect us on a regular basis to share information and answer questions. The calls are open to all Leader’s Circle members.

Add your InterPlay events to the website

The process of adding an event is easy to follow!

Post your biographical information on the website

Your bio indicates how you are applying InterPlay and provides more specific information about you as a leader.

Learn ways to make money with InterPlay while not undertaking the whole burden of producing

Interested in having an Untensive in your area? Body Wisdom, Inc. has developed an InterPlay Untensives Plan, which simplifies the process of producing an Untensive in your area, and includes remuneration for you as the organizer.

Add your InterPlay performance group to the website

Add performance events and get information about InterPlay and performance. Download a pdf version of a piece about InterPlay and Performance.

Download InterPlay logos and photos for your publicity.

Order InterPlay business cards

Find out more about ordering personalized InterPlay business cards.


Sign up for email updates and get free gifts and coupons!


Administrative Offices & InterPlay Center

2273 Telegraph Avenue
Oakland, CA 94612


Regional InterPlay Websites

New InterPlay video!

Who does InterPlay and why?

Regional InterPlay Websites

A sample of the InterPlay Australia websiteThis site lists events in many different regions in the world. Some regions also have their own websites.