Online! 5 days of deep play and leadership wisdom

InterPlay Leaders Gathering 2022 Online!

Open to all Life Practice and Leader Training participants and grads
Phil Porter, Agnotti Cowie, Masankho Banda, Carolyn Renée, Ade Anifowose, and Jennifer Denning, MSW


Wed–Sun Aug 3–7, 2022 • See times below

This year’s annual Leaders Gathering will be held online. This year’s Gathering will be cheaper, easier to get to, and will allow a wider range of folks to attend. You can pick and choose the time slots that work best for you and match your “Zoom attention span.”

This event is open to all Life Practice Program and Leader Training Program grads as well as those currently taking part in either program (or who took part in earlier versions of either program). Art & Social Change grads are also welcome to attend.

Register by June 30 and get $25 off!

Tuition is $275 if you register by June 30 and $300 after that. Reduced tuition is available as well as payment plans. Contact for financial assistance and/or to set up a payment plan.

Leaders who offer a workshop will receive an additional $50 off tuition if you submit a workshop. Workshop proposals are still being accepted.

We will have whole group sessions, opportunities to move together in large and small groups, a whole range of informative, interesting, and playful workshops, and wonderful opportunities to see old friends and make new ones.

Sessions will be scheduled in a way to accommodate most US times zones and also provide a bit of overlap with time zones that work for participants in other countries.

Wednesday–Sunday, Aug 3–7, 2022

Pacific Time
Wed–Sat • 9 am – 6 pm PT
Sun • 9 am – 1 pm PT

Mountain Time
Wed–Sat • 10 am – 7 pm MT
Sun • 10 am – 2 pm MT

Central Time
Wed–Sat • 11 am – 8 pm CT
Sun • 11 am – 3 pm CT

Eastern Time
Wed–Sat • noon – 9 pm ET
Sun • noon – 4 pm ET

InterPlay leaders will be invited to submit workshop proposals in advance, and we will also have time slots for more impromptu gatherings of people who share particular interests.

Registration options below!

Register yourself and, if you can, help someone else with a full or partial scholarship!

Registration Options
Note for office?

Cost: $275 by June 30/$300 after that. Reduced tuition available - email

Registration/Information: Registration questions or for financial assistance: email


Online Untensives

Phil Porter
Phil is one of the founders of InterPlay. He is a teacher, performer, writer, and organizer. With Cynthia Winton-Henry he is the co-founder of WING IT! Performance Ensemble, and has written several books, some in collaboration with Cynthia, including Having It All: Body, Mind, Heart & Spirit Together Again at Last and The Slightly Mad Rantings of a Body Intellectual Part One. Phil is particularly interested in the use of InterPlay in organizational life, and believes that InterPlay can be a powerful tool to create communities of diversity and peace.
Agnotti Cowie
Agnotti Cowie (they/she) attended the first ever “Art & Social Change: InterPlay for Millennial Leaders” in 2010. Since, she joined InterPlay’s national board as well as becoming a certified InterPlay leader. Agnotti facilitates workshops worldwide employing a variety of pedagogical techniques such as InterPlay, Theatre of the Oppressed, Devising, puppetry and clown. Currently they are based in Chicago where they lead workshops in schools, organizations and with social movements including as Co-Artistic Director of Opera-Matic, bringing participatory arts to public spaces. Recently, they have taken their work around the globe teaching InterPlay workshops in India, Germany, Australia, Bali and Chile.
Masankho Banda

Masankho is a multi - disciplinary Performing Artist, Certified InterPlay Leader, Educator and PeaceBuilder. He brings many unique perspectives to his work around the world. He learned the fine arts of storytelling and dance from his Malawian culture spending many long days and nights listening to stories and dancing to music that captivated his mind, shaped his being, nourished his soul and strengthened his spirit. Using performing arts Masankho motivates and inspires people of all ages to work together to bring about peace, social justice and cultural understanding. In 1997, he started UCanDanc—African Healing Arts to bring his passion for dance and storytelling to communities around the world. Masankho has been a Certified InterPlay Leader since 1999.

Masankho can also be reached at these phone numbers: +265 99 255 5338 or 88 113 8655 (available on Whatsapp / FaceTime)

Also: Skype : kamsisi
Facebook / Twitter: storytelling4u

Carolyn Renée
Carolyn Renée Morris (she/her), since 1995, spanning three decades, "Carolyn Renée" has been a pivotal cultural organizer. She blends her roles of teaching artist, activist, and healer into collaborations for social change. She was raised in a community of matriarchal healers, including priestesses, seers, and herbalists and learned from these interactions how to help others. Carolyn Renée seamlessly integrates these influences into her InterPlay practice and daily life. She draws inspiration and transformative tools from *Jegnas and applies her own expertise in art and social change gained from years of firsthand experiences and professional development aimed specifically at dismantling racism. Her extensive work includes 15+ years of teaching girls to write and perform their stories through Playmaking for Girls, a community program of Synchronicity Performance Group and her own we.Pod initiative. In 2022, she co-led the InterPlay Life Practice for Spiritual Leaders. She’s a devoted Nichiren Buddhist for 38 years. Carolyn Renée is currently part of the fifth cohort of Tami Simon's Sounds True Inner MBA program, learning from esteemed spiritual teachers how to integrate her wealth of experiences and to grow into the best version of herself.
Ade Anifowose

Ade is a Certified InterPlay Leader, Mindset Coach. Intuitive Healer and Podcaster. For over 25 years, Ade has devoted his life to being both a student and teacher of ancient wisdom. He is known for his optimism and ability to put people at ease while tapping into the inner wisdom of the soul. His unique approach opens the minds of his clients so they can more easily and effectively approach life head-on and find the help and answers they seek.

Ade is a lover of humanity who is passionate about creating outstanding new and unique gifts of healing for the world. Grounded in universal principles and healing arts, he uses his podcast, interactive playshops, storytelling, the arts, sacred drumming, and social media, to supports people in shifting their consciousness. Ade has a deep passion for helping people to connect with their unique sense of self and is dedicated to inspiring people to live from the confidence of their truest self.

Jennifer Denning, MSW
Jennifer is keenly interested in using the InterPlay forms to promote racial justice and healing and has collaborated in developing and leading the workshops “Sankofa Communities” and “Using Body Wisdom to Build Just Communities.” She directs InterPlay Atlanta's performance group, Soulprint Players. She launched InterPlay Atlanta’s programming with women in prison and has taught regularly at Trinity House and The Friendship Center. Jennifer has also worked as a professional actor and taught and directed with Synchronicity Theatre’s “Playmaking For Girls” program for over fifteen years. Her work has long centered on the intersection of creativity, spirituality and social justice. Jennifer currently works as a financial social worker, using financial education as one tool to advance economic equity. She delights in weaving deep breaths, InterPlay storytelling forms, and body awareness into her workshops. Jennifer is a former co-president of the Body Wisdom Board of Directors and a founding member of InterPlay's Racial Equity and Transformation committee.

See more Untensives

InterPlay Regional Websites

This site lists events in many different regions in the world. Some regions also have their own websites.