Art gives life!


An InterPlay Conference
Phil Porter and Cynthia Winton-Henry

Berkeley, CA

Wednesday, July 9, 7 pm–Saturday, July 12, 9 pm

Less than a week away!

Mention you saw this listing and get $25 off a one-day registration. Only $90 for a full day of workshops and a performance in the evening.


Come wallow in the sheer exuberance of creativity, exploration and play in a time when life and the world can be deadly serious. No experience required! Just any tiny bit of willingness.

Enjoy workshops, presentations, hanging out, visual art opportunities, and performances led by the co-founders of InterPlay, Phil Porter & Cynthia Winton-Henry, and special guest teachers like Julie Caffey, Soyinka Rahim, Agnotti Cowie, Susan Main, Daniel Ari, Coke Tani, Alison Luterman, Stephanie Pile, and Carol Anne Fusco. Check out the ArtPlunge Workshop list!

Play with story, sound, movement and visual art in the moment: find your own special steps to a "new you." Laughing out loud is guaranteed. Thrive rather than just survive.

In the mornings we will gather as a big group to entertain big ideas and then split into “tracks” focusing on movement, voice and storytelling. In the afternoon, a variety of workshops will be offered and we’ll have an open opportunity for anyone to share their gifts (performance or otherwise). In the evenings we’ll have times to play and special performances, including WING IT! Performance Ensemble and an evening when we “make our own” performance. Download the schedule!

InterPlay is almost 25 years old and has spread around the world. Come find out why!


A few of the workshops being cooked up: The Soul of Narrative (Daniel Ari), I Let My Light Shine (Soyinka Rahim), Mini Art Retreat (Coke Tani), Poemscapes (Alison Luterman), Painting on Your iPhone (Phil Porter), Alphabetrics (Julie Caffey), I Shrine: Mini Altar Making Cynthia Winton-Henry. ArtPlunge Workshop list!

These are the days that afternoon workshop leaders will be presenting: Thursday—Julie, Susan, Coke; Friday—Alison, Cynthia, Phil; Saturday—Daniel, Agnotti, Soyinka.


On Thursday, July 10, moving and powerful singer Queen Michelle Jordan will perform.

On Friday, July 11, WING IT! Performance Ensemble will present “Up to Our Ears in Art.” More...

On Saturday, July 12, ArtPlunge participants and leaders will create a performance on the spot.

All three performances are open to the wider public and will be at 7:30 pm in the Large Assembly at First Church Berkeley.

Cost: $275 for the whole event / $90 for a single day (special discount!)

Registration/Information: Call the Body Wisdom Office at 510/465-2797 to register, or contact


First Church Berkeley, UCC

2345 Channing Way
Berkeley, CA 94704
First Church Berkeley is on the south side of the UC Berkeley campus just a block west of Telegraph Avenue. It faces Dana Street between Channing Way and Durant Avenue. It is about 6 blocks from the downtown Berkeley BART Station and right near several bus lines.
Phil Porter
Phil is one of the founders of InterPlay. He is a teacher, performer, writer, and organizer. With Cynthia Winton-Henry he is the co-founder of WING IT! Performance Ensemble, and has written several books, some in collaboration with Cynthia, including Having It All: Body, Mind, Heart & Spirit Together Again at Last and The Slightly Mad Rantings of a Body Intellectual Part One. Phil is particularly interested in the use of InterPlay in organizational life, and believes that InterPlay can be a powerful tool to create communities of diversity and peace.
Cynthia Winton-Henry
Cynthia Winton-Henry, co-founder of InterPlay with Phil Porter, has researched "what the body wants" in the arts, in jails, shelters, slums, hospitals, churches, businesses, classrooms, doctoral programs in theology and the arts, and in multicultural education. She develops somatic curriculums to address racism, leadership for the Earth, and spiritual intelligence with an eye to supporting millennials. A featured speaker on the Body Intelligence Summit and a keynoter at conferences, Cynthia is the author of What the Body Wants, Having It All: Body, Mind, Heart & Spirit Together Again at Last; Dance - A Sacred Art: Discovering the Joy of Movement as Spiritual Practice, Chasing the Dance of Life: A Faith Journey, and The Art of Ensoulment: A Playbook on How to Create From Body and Soul.. Check out her writing, The Dancing Center, on Substack, her Hidden Monastery Online Dance Chapels and courses for those seeking spiritual intelligence for our time at

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