Tools for helping professionals—therapists, social workers, spiritual directors, hospice workers, spiritual leaders

The InterPlay Way for Helping Professionals (MA)

CEUs available for LCSWs and MFTs
CathyAnn Beaty, Lisa Laing, CC King, and Dirkje Legerstee

Framingham, MA

Weekend Retreat • Oct 25-27 • Thu 7 pm to Sat 4:30 pm • Six 2.5-hour Sessions to follow (Dates TBD)

Local ongoing group lead by CC King, Dirkje Legerstee and Lisa Laing.

The InterPlay Way is designed to provide tools, ideas and practices from the InterPlay system that can support the work of therapists, social workers, clergy, chaplains, recovery coaches, life coaches and counselors, and others in closely-related fields.

InterPlay provides effective self-care tools that can increase inner strength and stability when applied on a regular basis, enabling practitioners to bring their full resources to facilitate wellness and healing in relationship.

The InterPlay Way addresses several needs:

  • In many settings there isn’t sufficient community support for the challenging work that is being done. Practitioners may be working independently or in institutional settings where there isn’t time to gather for support. InterPlay groups offer leadership, affirmation, and a consistent time and place to play with challenges and new directions.
  • That health requires integration of body, mind, heart and spirit is a relatively new idea both in the helping professions and the culture at large. InterPlay provides a methodology that has been tested over 20 years for supporting and understanding that fullness.
  • Given the complexity of human behavior and interactions, practitioners must be ready to respond in the moment to new and different situations. InterPlay provides tools for drawing on the professional’s inner resources that can increase effectiveness.
  • Many ideas and tools used in InterPlay to create health and wholeness can be shared with clients.
  • InterPlay creates ways to understand and include the range of human experience that we might label as “spiritual” while respecting individual approaches to faith practice.

For more information (including the daily schedule) see the full brochure about The InterPlay Way in Framingham...

Cost: Tuition for The InterPlay Way is $750. This includes the full weekend event and the six ongoing sessions. Tuition for the weekend alone is $350.

Registration/Information: Call the InterPlay/Body Wisdom office at 510/465-2797 for more information or to register using a credit card.


Grace Church

76 Salem End Road
Framingham, MA 01702
Driving directions are available on the church website.
CathyAnn Beaty
CathyAnn Beaty, MDiv, is a master InterPlay leader, dancer and visual artist. She has been working with ongoing groups of therapists, clergy and other helping professionals for the past 12 years through her business SoulPlay, and has developed new approaches to healing based both on her professional and personal experience. CathyAnn is an ordained minister and began her InterPlay journey in 1989 when serving as pastor at Spirit of the Lakes UCC. She got her Masters of Divinity at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities in 1984 and did her Clinical Pastoral Education at Hennipen County Medical Center in Minneapolis. She served three parishes over 15 years. CathyAnn leads the InterPlay Life Practice Program, The InterPlay Way, performance workshops, couples classes, mentors leaders in training and directs SoulPlay Performance Ensemble. She has taught InterPlay in India, Australia and around the United States.
Lisa Laing
Lisa Laing is a Certified InterPlay Master Leader, fitness professional and Certified Cancer Wellness Specialist. She incorporates the practices and forms of InterPlay in each of these aspects of her life, including leading an ongoing weekly group of InterPlayers in CT and beyond for over 20 years. Lisa has brought InterPlay to incarcerated women at York Correctional Facility in CT, interdenominational clergy groups, as well as students at The Juilliard School, Yale Divinity School and Southern CT State U. Lisa co-developed a cancer wellness group, Hope Is Power, very much informed by InterPlay. Lisa co-leads the InterPlay Life Practice Program and Secrets of InterPlay in the Northeast US with both Katrina Browne and CC King and is an InterPlay Leader Training Mentor. Lisa and CC hold admin responsibilities for the Northeast US Region. She has served on the InterPlay Body Wisdom Board. "I am blessed to be a part of this diverse world-wide community of creators, instigators, healers, nurturers, adventurers, connectors, huggers, grace-operatives, activists, artists; InterPlayers All!"
CC King
CC is a certified InterPlay Master Leader and trainer, Boston-area coordinator and grateful mentor to Leaders in Training and divinity school students. She has been practicing the joyous unfolding of InterPlay for over 20 years and currently serves on the Body Wisdom Board and the Integrity & Innovation Council. CC is an expressive therapist, visual artist, teacher and community activist. Dedicated to inviting respectful & celebratory relations with Earth and her beings, CC designs workshops, organic sculpture and public performance. She values play with elders, Memory Cafes, cancer support and racial healing & transformation. Her background includes nonprofit management, art and family therapy, trauma-informed InterPlay and a life-long commitment to finding sustenance, creative activism, and joyful reverence in the natural world.
Dirkje Legerstee
Rev. Dr. Dirkje Legerstee has served local churches in the Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ for 27 years. She is currently an Intentional Interim Minister and a Resident Ministerial Practitioner at Andover Newton Theological School, working with student ministers. She is a retreat leader, a workshop facilitator, and recently served as Ritualist and Environmentalist for Cultivating Compassion by Spiritual Directors International. Dirkje has been an active InterPlayer for over a decade engaging with play as a spiritual practice. She lives in Westford, MA with her husband Steve.

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