InterPlay Journey to Your Independent/interdependent Self!

Oakland, CA
Tuesday 27th July One Day 9:30am to 5pm with an hour break for lunch (optional dinner together)
• How are you an independent person?
• What does independence mean to you?
• Is Independence all its cracked up to be?
• do you need to be more interdependent?
• How do we maintain independence in an often messy and interdependent world (work, relationships etc)
• What has it taken for you to achieve independence and have you really?
Using interplay forms in music, dance, story and stillness we will explore all of the above and more during this day of reflection and celebration.
Things to bring:
• your journal or something to write in
• an object that is a symbol of your independence
• pen and pencil & your favorite art creating tool (colored pencils or markers (i will provide paper)
• musical instrument if you play one and its part of your independent identity
Cost: Sliding Scale $79 to $49 (no one turned away)
Registration/Information: 510/773-7328
Masankho is a multi - disciplinary Performing Artist, Certified InterPlay Leader, Educator and PeaceBuilder. He brings many unique perspectives to his work around the world. He learned the fine arts of storytelling and dance from his Malawian culture spending many long days and nights listening to stories and dancing to music that captivated his mind, shaped his being, nourished his soul and strengthened his spirit. Using performing arts Masankho motivates and inspires people of all ages to work together to bring about peace, social justice and cultural understanding. In 1997, he started UCanDanc—African Healing Arts to bring his passion for dance and storytelling to communities around the world. Masankho has been a Certified InterPlay Leader since 1999.
Masankho can also be reached at these phone numbers: +265 99 255 5338 or 88 113 8655 (available on Whatsapp / FaceTime)
Also: Skype : kamsisi
Facebook / Twitter: storytelling4u