Seattle, WA

Krista Gemmell Harris

Life Practice Program Leader

Certified InterPlay Leader

Krista loves moving and playing with people. She is a gifted teacher and master InterPlay leader who has a long history of inspiring people to find more joy, ease, and wisdom in being bodies. Krista has been leading InterPlay since 1993. She is one of the original InterPlay pioneers who helped create InterPlay communities and Life Practice Programs outside the Bay area. Krista has an M.F.A. in Dance and is certified in both Laban Movement Analysis and InterPlay. Authentic Movement, Insight Meditation and Shibashi QiGong also inform and enrich her life and work. Krista has been an advocate for both deepening the experience of stillness in InterPlay and for bringing more playfulness into her meditation communities. Along with other InterPlayers, Krista is beginning to explore how the InterPlay tools and forms can be used to support social action education and change. 2131 NW 93rd St Seattle, WA 98117 United States Email: 206/784-8030

2131 NW 93rd St
Seattle, WA 98117
United States

Email Krista Gemmell