Durham, NC

Shelli Plesser

InterPlay Leader in Training

I am a non-native (non-invasive at times abrasive) American who moved to the US in 1988. I thought I was coming to Woodstock (liberal/loving/open)... Cambridge MA was not Woodstock and while the culture shock has subsided over the years feeling like an outlier continues to define my life.

Interplay was brought into my life in 2015. I HATED it! But I loved a man who loved it so I kept coming back. Over time my love for interplay grew while my love for my former partner died. By the time the relationship ended I loved enough about IP (and several Interplayers) to not only stay but also eventually pursue the leader's training. I catch myself IPing in my daily life more and more.

I have lived in several countries; spent most of my life teaching; and pursued quite a few interests over the course of my life: classical music; photography; gardening; show Chinchlla Breeding; interior and furniture design; and social activism... to name just a few.

While my greatest super-power is my resilience I have no doubt that what has most defined my life, and is my greatest contribution to the world, is having children. All 5 of them are "above average" and while none are "perfect" I am extremely proud of each and every one of them. Each of them makes the world a better place in their own way and I could not be prouder of them.

oh yeah, I am a great lover of "good enough" and a great hater of "best or perfect".

I have never identified as "white" (feel free to ask me why when we meet) and I do identify as "anti-Zionist Jewish Palestinian".

2105 Nation Ave.
Durham, NC 27707
United States

Email Shelli