Ann Arbor, MI

Bilha Birman Rivlin

Certified InterPlay Leader

Bilha Birman Rivlin, PhD, has been a theatre professional for over 30 years as an actress, director, puppeteer, story teller, and teacher. She earned her PhD from the Theatre Department at Wayne State University, where she wrote her dissertation on the creative process and the path of transformation. 

Bilha is a long-time practitioner of Insight Mindful Meditation (IM), and has been teaching IM along with Buddhist practices and philosophies for over a decade. 

Bilha’s journey with theatre, drama, improvisation, and IM practices allow her to explore life’s present moment in its kaleidoscopic forms of expression. The integration of Dharma, drama and the creative play is Bilha’s guiding passion and contribution to her teachings. It is her path to the soulful life we all aspire to live. 

”InterPlay moves me to communicate what I feel with myself and others by improvising my presence through words, sound, movement, connection and stillness.” -Bilha Birman-Rivlin

2661 Georgetown Blvd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
United States

Email Bilha