Chicago, IL

Gay Guard-Chamberlin

aka G.C.

Life Practice Program Leader

Certified InterPlay Leader

An InterPlayer since 2000, Gay Guard-Chamberlin has a Masters of InterDisciplinary Arts from Columbia College Chicago. Gay has taught InterPlay in Chicago, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, and has co-led 3 Life Practice Programs training new instructors. She has used InterPlay with hospice staff, at grief support groups and grief camps, and to create performance and poetry through her Word Play classes in collaboration with her husband, renowned musician Doug Chamberlin. Gay is presently involved in developing a theatrical piece through 4TELL, an InterPlay-based performance group; and with sharing InterPlay in the Jewish community with preschoolers and their parents.

2612 W. Glenlake Ave.
Apt. 3
Chicago, IL 60659
United States

Email Gay