Wilmette, IL

Marti Szalai-Raymond

Certified InterPlay Leader

Marti Szalai-Raymond has over 25 years of experience as an actor, teacher, and director. She holds a BA in theatre, studied performance art at Art Institute of Chicago and received her Interplay Leadership certification in 2000. For 11 years as Artistic Director of Thresholds Theatre Arts Project she created devised theater based upon the personal stories of the ensemble, comprised of adults and teens living with persistent and severe mental illness. The group performed in major Chicago theaters, toured high schools, universities, and conferences. Marti currently teaches Interplay classes at the Ravenswood Presbyterian Church in Chicago and is co-hosting Mystery in the Moment 2013 in November. Marti's passion for gathering and sharing story continues and she invites all to dive in deep, and Play.

Wilmette, IL 60091
United States

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