Hillsborough, NC

Aviva Enoch

Certified InterPlay Leader

Aviva has been co-leading the monthly Chapel Hill, NC playgroup for more than a decade. She organizes regional InterPlay Untensives, where she also leads workshops and focus sessions and improvises music at the keyboard. She is the Music Director at the UU Congregation of Hillsborough where she plays the piano and leads a small choir. She enjoys designing music for worship and exploring a wide variety of styles--including improvisation to create the feeling of sacred space. Aviva holds an MM in Piano Performance. She teaches around 30 young piano students at her home studio--applying the InterPlay principles to her teaching--especially exformation, incrementality and easy focus. Previously, she led joyful, playful music and movement classes for adults with young children. She also spent a decade working in public radio, where she produced an eclectic variety of music shows, was a DJ, and did arts reporting locally and sometimes nationally.

501 West King Street
Hillsborough, NC 27278
United States

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