North Coast, NSW

Carmelle Moore

Certified InterPlay Leader

I am passionate about supporting every body and voice to express their full potential with power and joy. Sensitive and creative in my approach, I am committed to harmonizing the vibration of the individual through the Voicessence transformational processes I have developed. I have been living and teaching in the Byron Bay area for the past 7 years where I work with actors, singers, yoga teachers, teachers, presenters and anyone wanting to find more ease, efficiency and joy with their voice.

I feel incredibly fortunate to have been part of the inaugural InterPlay group in Australia in 1994 with the inspirational Trisha Watts and Rod Pattendon, whose ongoing support and creative collaboration have been invaluable. My individual and group work has been strongly influenced by InterPlay practices and philosophy (Incremental and community building Improvisational Voice, Movement & Story). The values of honouring the wisdom of the body, playfulness, affirmation, instrumentality and the physicality of grace allow holistic integration of transformation whatever modality I am working with. I completed my training as a facilitator of ?InterPlay? in 2002 and have taught many classes and workshops since. I constantly draw on the practice of InterPlay to ground my work with joy, delight and ease.

North Coast, NSW

Email Carmelle