Singapore and Manila, Philippines

Ermina Bailon

Ermina completed her InterPlay leadership training in 2010 in Sydney, Australia. She has since applied Interplay’s body wisdom principles and improvisational forms to offer and co-create space for authenticity, connectedness, ease, inspiration, spontaneity, wonder, wisdom, fullness of being and shared aliveness in various settings. She sees the practice of InterPlay as an expression of reverence for the dynamic whole body experiencing of spiritedness, creativity, inter-beingness and belonging. She weaves her broad-based training and in-depth experiences in mental health, expressive arts and play, improvisation, conscious dance/movement, shamanism, yoga, pilates, qiqong, mindfulness, somatics and nature-based practices cultivating and supporting life-affirming capacities for wakeful presence. Currently based in Singapore, her research on the inter-relationship of the body-mind-heart-breath-consciousness guides her inner unfolding and offerings. She continues to attune to and respond to the reciprocal relationship with the living world with open curiosity, deep listening, loving awareness, compassion and courage to carry life forward and become a worthy ancestor.

Singapore and Manila, Philippines

Email Ermina
Singapore +6582828065, Philippines +639175290007