A Process for Reporting Hurts, Harms, Disagreements, or Conflict

Created by the Restoration Pod of the Racial Equity & Transformation Committee

You can report any of the above by submitting this form...

If you have experienced a hurt/harm or a disagreement/conflict in an InterPlay setting, you may get community support for dealing with it if you choose. The goal we seek is the restoration of relationship if it is possible.

In the InterPlay community, we assume that in many if not most situations, individuals are able to manage their relationships on their own or with the informal support of others. In some situations you might feel the need for more help.

If you do desire support from the InterPlay community, the Restoration Pod of the RET Committee can be of help (retrestoration@interplay.org).

You may contact the Pod either by email (retrestoration@interplay.org) or by filling out this form (same as above). A member of the Pod would be in touch with you (within 48 hours) to discern with you what level of support would work best for you, using the general guidelines above. They would help you determine the next steps to take.

These situations and responses will be held with a sensitivity to issues of race and other social/societal dynamics.

You may have also experienced something in an InterPlay setting that you just want to report, without the need for additional support. You can use the form listed above for that purpose as well. This sort of report can be helpful for the leaders of our community to know what sorts of things are occurring, so that we can educate the community more generally about how to avoid such hurts in the future. You would have choices about how specifically or generally to report what happened. Any specific information would be closely held.